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Herbal products, which comprise a wide variety of bioactive molecules, have been used as remedies for different diseases throughout history. Lagenaria siceraria, a fruit vegetable, is employed in folk medicine as a treatment for various disorders including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and heart and liver ailments. In the present work, a number of compounds were isolated and characterized from the ethyl acetate fraction of the methanolic extract of its peel, including β-sitosterol, vanillin, quercetin, rutin, 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole, stearic acid, 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol, 2,2′-methylenebis[6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol], 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid mono(2-ethylhexyl) ester, hexadecanoic acid and its methyl ester, (Z,Z)-9,12-ocatdecadienoic acid and its ester, and (Z,Z,Z)-9,12,15-ocatdecatrienoic acid methyl ester. Separation of the phytochemicals was done using column and thin-layer chromatography, while gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC–MS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were employed for their identification. These compounds are being reported for the first time from the peel of the fruit of L. siceraria. The results provide a possible chemical rationale for the medicinal applications of this fruit.

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The fundamental problem in developing a theory of international business ethics, without imposing ethnocentric assumptions, lies in the inherent conflict between the need for universal ethics and the reality of diverse national cultures. Integrative social contracts theory holds an intermediate position between ethical universalist and relativist positions — recognizing universal hypernorms on the one hand and moral free space on the other. We argue that all businesses share a common objective of sustaining long-run economic value for their stakeholders. We develop this argument using an evolutionary logic into a hypernorm along three propositions: First, the firm influences, and is influenced by, members of the society (social context proposition). Second, managers maximize profit subject to joint constraints of technical feasibility and ethical norms (managerial decision proposition). Third, ethical norms evolve from interactions among the stakeholders without a central authority. Natural selection favors norms that maximize long run economic value for the society (natural selection proposition). We show that the hypernorm can spawn widely agreed authentic ethical norms. However, moral bounded rationality when interpreting the hypernorm generates different authentic norms in the moral free space. The evolutionary logic is testable along the dimensions of variation, inheritance and selection of ethical norms.

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The monastery of Csorna (modern Western Hungary), which belonged to the Premonstratensian order and was established circa 1180, received the gift including the copies of the valuable charters from the archive of the Benedictine monastery of Hradisko ( Monasterium Gradicense ) in the vicinity of Olmütz/Olomouc. The earliest original of these charters dates from 1078. There are some documents written in Czech in this collection. The author of the article presents the textual and linguistic analysis of the oldest Czech charter dating from 1398.

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The recent conservation-restoration in the ‘Hungarian Versailles’

Acta Historiae Artium Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Áron Tóth

Hírek (23 July 2014),, accessed 22 November 2023. Athens Charter , ICOMOS, 179-articles-en-francais/ressources/charters

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States nor its institutions can avoid a review of the question whether the measures adopted by them are in conformity with the basic constitutional charter, the Treaty’. 14 Thus the rule of law in the Union legal order is

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European Journal of Mental Health
Teodóra Tomcsányi
Roger Csáky-Pallavicini
Gábor Ittzés
Gábor Semsey
, and
Péter Török

Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) First International Conference on Health Promotion, Ottawa, 21 November 1986 – WHO/HPR/HEP/95.1, retrieved 5 May 2006 from the World Health Organization website,

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Langó P. 2006 Régészeti és okleveles adatok a Jászság 10–15. századi településtörténetéhez (Archaeological and charter data for the Jazygian settlemental history in the 10th–15th century). Tisicum 15, 77

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constitutes a right and this right was reaffirmed in Article 47 of the Charter of the European Union. 21 The judgment was a starting point of a new case-law on sanctioning the excessive duration of the proceedings. The remedy for this irregularity is not to

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This article proposes a quantitative study of the Latin demonstratives as found in the private and original charters of written in Italy between the 8th and 10th century. It also contains a brief qualitative study of the demonstrative IPSE. Our analysis shows that the evolution of the demonstratives in the charters corresponds to their evolution in the spoken language. These analyses also appear to foreshadow the 11th and 12th century Renaissance which occurred in southern Italy and which is perhaps comparable to the Carolingian Renaissance in Gaul. The qualitative analysis of IPSE demonstrates that the grammaticalization of this demonstrative had not acquired the critical point after which it could be treated as a definite article. Aebischer’s hypothesis that IPSE and ILLE functioned as two variants acting in synonymy should therefore be rejected

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Az 50 éves Velencei Charta újra felfedezett öröksége: a „kritikai restaurálás”

The re-discovered heritage of the 50-year-old Venice Charter — the ‘Critical restoration’

Építés - Építészettudomány
Ákos Zsembery

Az 1964-es velencei nemzetközi műemléki kongresszuson született, műemlékvédelmi szakirodalmunkban legtöbbet hivatkozott egyezmény tavaly immár ötven éves lett, az ICOMOS pedig éppen idén ünnepli fél évszázados fennállását. Hazánkban először a Charta 40. évfordulója alkalmából szerveztek nagyobb megemlékezést Pécsett. Ennek a jelentős nemzetközi részvétellel zajló eseménynek többnyelvű kiadványa még abban az évben napvilágot is látott.1 A mostani kerek évforduló kapcsán, 2014 nyarán Esztergomban tartottak egynapos építészeti konferenciát, melyről azonban már nem készült részletes összefoglaló, és jelenleg nem is mutatkozik rá szándék.2 Pedig a Charta, illetve az általa képviselt elvek továbbra is meghatározóak a kortárs európai — és hazai — műemlékvédelemben, hiszen olyan örökséget hordoznak, melyet csak alaposabb vizsgálattal fedezhetünk fel újra. Jelen írásom a tavaly nyáron a fent említett konferencián elhangzott előadás kibővített, kiegészített anyaga, mely elsősorban a kritikai restaurálás kérdéskörét tárgyalja.

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