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, W. 1996 Scientific journal usage in a large university library — a local citation analysis Serials Librarian 29 3-4 79 – 88
publications, assessing the impact of research often relied on the count of citations received. In 2005, Hirsch [ 9 ] proposed the h -index, which tries to bring productivity and impact into a balance. It is hard to underestimate the effect that his
. The aim of this paper is to introduce an indicator, the citation lag, for analyzing the process of knowledge diffusion and integration across research fields. Using this indicator, we discuss knowledge diffusion among different subfields of Supply
References Aksnes , D. W. 2003 A macro-study of self-citations Scientometrics 56 2 235 – 246
a high-impact journal and a high number of citations (Albuquerque 2010 ). Citation of an article may be influenced by various biases, such as self-citation, nationality, sex, and the author's institution; in other words, this practice may be
Garfield, E.: Citation Indexes for Science. Science, 1955, 122 , 108–111. Garfield E. Citation Indexes for Science Science
References Egghe , L. Ravichandra Rao , I. K. 1992 Citation age data and the obsolescence function: fits and explanations
Introduction One of the typical methods used to assess patents is the citation analysis that focuses on the citations made between patents (Narin 1994 ). Narin ( 1995 ) reported that an important patent that discovers a
Lou, Y. C., Lin, H. F.: Estimate of global research trends and performance in family therapy in Social Science Citation Index. Scientometrics, 2012, 90 (3), 807–823. Du, Y
Introduction and method This paper compares citation counts for award-winning mathematicians in different subdisciplines of mathematics. The mathematicians in this study work in every subdiscipline of mathematics, although some