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A vákuumtámogatott sebkezelés eredményei szívműtétet követő sternotomiás sebfertőzésekben
Results of vacuum-assisted wound closure system in the treatment of sternotomy wound infections following cardiac surgery
Primary closure for infected dehiscence of the sternum Ann Thorac Surg 55 459 63 . 3. J Sjögren
. 2. LC Argenta MJ Morykwas 1997 Vacuum-assisted closure: a new method for wound control and treatment: clinical experience
(yellow arrows) is shown on a curved reformation of a contrast-enhanced arterial phase computed tomography (A) and DSA image (B). Intraoperative DSA shows the backdoor (C) and frontdoor (D) closure with MVP 5Q plugs (yellow circles). Total occlusion
wound closure and stoma creation. The final pathology results showed fungal colitis consistent with basidiobolous ranarum species, the liver lesion demonstrated portal eosinophils rich in inflammatory infiltrate with no detected fungal elements. The
A posztoperatív pancreasfistula csökkentésére bevezetett innovációink
Our innovations for the reduction of postoperative pancreatic fistula output
D . Innovations in pancreatic anastomosis technique during pancreatoduodenectomies . Langenbeck’s Arch Surg 2020 ; 405 : 1039 – 1044 . 6. Kelemen D , Kerbeche A , Farkas N , Vereczkei A . New method of remnant closure during distal
A különböző eredetű fertőzött sebek negatív nyomású sebkezelése során észlelt bakteriális flóra eltérése pálcás és szivacsmintás tenyésztések során
Differences in bacterial flora detected during negative pressure wound treatment of different origin of infected wounds in stick and sponge cultures
–1221. 19 Patmo AS, Krijnen P, Tuinebreijer WE, at al. The effect of vacuum-assisted closure on the bacterial load and type of bacteria: a systematic review. Adv Wound Care 2014; 3: 383
Autológ neuroszenzoros retinatranszplantáció.
Esetbemutatás és a maculalyukak sebészetének rövid áttekintése
Autologous neurosensory retinal transplantation.
Case report and a brief overview of macular hole surgery
, Caporossi T, Tartaro R, et al. A human amniotic membrane plug to promote retinal breaks repair and recurrent macular hole closure. Retina 2019; 39(Suppl 1): S95–S103. 33
Surgery of the pancreas
. PolysorbR (an absorbable lactomer) staples, a safe closure technique for distal pancreatic resection . World J Gastroenterol 2014 ; 20 ( 45 ): 17185 – 9 . 7
Reports 2016; 3: 14–17. 2 Bayer A, Moroi SE. Acetazolamide and bilateral uveal effusion with secondary acute angle-closure glaucoma. Glaucoma Today 2010; Spring: 50
338 Rosen, A., Scher, N., Panje, W. R.: Surgical closure of persistent failed tracheoesophageal voice fistula. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol., 1997, 106 , 775