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Культурная память и структура локального пространства в селах Чуново, Яровце и Русовце (Южная Словакия)
Cultural Memory and the Structure of Local Space in the Villages of Chunovo, Jarovce, and Rusovce (Southern Slovakia)
The paper describes the structure of the local space of the Croatian villages of Chunovo and Jarovce, and the Slovak (earlier predominantly Hungarian-German) village Rusovce (Southern Slovakia, the region of Bratislava) in the form in which it conceptualities in the minds of local residents. The material was oral records on the results of the field survey of villages in May 2018. It is noted that the specificity of the structuring of local space in the villages was influenced by their complex geographical and sociohistorical peculiarities since the villages are located within the capital of Slovakia and at the same time they became part of the state only after 1947.
It is shown that each of the three villages is characterized by orientation to a certain type of space which is significantly transformed with the passage of time. Thus, in Chunovo, which is located closer to the Hungarian border, the mythological and sacred space is supported. The natural space in the village is closely intertwined with the mythological, and the domestic is subordinated to the sacred, while the historical space does not play any significant role.
Rusovce, located five kilometres towards the capital, is a completely different type of spatial organization, a significant imprint on Rusovce was imposed by the deportation of indigenous people after the Second World War. The disintegration of the ethno-cultural tradition is perceived by the remaining indigenous people as a traumatic experience. Sacred space in Rusovce is the subject of the opposition “real (old)” and “fake (modern)”. Domestic space is characterized by the deprivation of former buildings from their household functions, while they are turning into symbols of the past.
The transformation of the village takes place not on the principle of expanding its borders but on the principle of concentration, filling the old coordinates with new objects. Natural space bears traces of human intervention and is associated with the consequences of the territory's accession. In the structuring of the mental map of the old residents of Rusovce, the opposition “real” and “false” plays a significant role. The false, artificial, is associated with modernity, and the signs of the present remain within the village but either lose their direct function or are “lost” as a result of the concentration of the village space by objects which are similar in form and but foreign in origin.
The village of Jarovce, which is the closest to Bratislava, is dominated by a focus on specific historical events and on the functional relevance of the locus. The sacred space in the village is subordinated to the historical, and the domestic, in turn, is subordinated to the sacred, the dominants of which structure the village and at the same time are clearly associated with specific events in the relatively distant past. Mythological space in Jarovce is almost not structured but natural topos serves for orientation about weather events or specific localities.
This article presents the findings of the first part of a research project on the Western canon and Israeli active cultural memory in the Digital Era. The article focuses on the methodological problems of mapping a national cultural memory from the angle of the use it makes of Western literary heritage. The detailed description of the mapping process—beginning with the construction of an initial list of relevant canonic texts and ending with the validation of three cultural “memes” (Don Quixote’s tilting the windmills, Hamlet’s contemplation of suicide, and Romeo and Juliet as the ultimate lovers) as the most appropriate matter for constructing multimedia hypertext educational threads, touches upon many aspects of Intertextuality and Cultural memory theories, and the positive and negative aspects of the Internet with respect to both.
. Budapest : Európa . Assmann , J. ( 2008 ). Communicative and Cultural Memory . In A. Erll , & A. Nünning (Eds), Cultural Memory Studies. An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook (pp. 109 – 118 ). Berlin, New York . Assmann , J
At the center of the study is the motif spread in Italy and Greece, in the Middle Ages and in folklore, of Mary's search for Jesus during the Passion. The historiographical and philological reconstruction of the motif takes its cue from a medieval Italian text, the “Pianto delle Marie marchigiano”, and first investigates modern Italian songs, to show their continuity with the Middle Ages; then the observation expands to the Hellenic “moirologia”, to highlight the strong resemblance to the Italic counterparts; we therefore try to bring these similarities back to historical unity, showing that we are dealing with two forms in which a long-lasting cultural memory persists.
Az identitás régészetének elméleti alapjai
Theoretical foundations of the archaeology of identity
This study offers a brief review of the main research directions and issues in the archaeology of identity. Discussed here are the components of identity – meaning the statuses and roles that determine the individual’s relation to, and membership in, a community as well as to other individuals, which are essentially the elements of social cohesion and social organisation – and its formation as well as the various options for categorisation and the modes of display through cultural memory and material culture.
The life-work of Augustus and its memory is usually illustrated by the Res gestae as well as the historical pieces of Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio. This cultural memory omits the Augustus-portrait of the chapters 147–150 of Book 7 of the Naturalis Historia, which summarize the life or more exactly the misfortunes of the life of Rome’s first emperor. This anti-Res gestae divi Augusti is unique not only in ancient literature but in the context of the Naturalis Historia as well. Critics have advocated different explanations. This paper is devoted to an analysis of these chapters in the context of the textual unit that organically contains them, and which culminates in them.
„Wer um alles in der Welt ist Pom-Pom?”
Platzhalter und recycelte Erinnerung im öffentlichen Raum
The article deals with the stories of Pom-Pom, which appeared in Hungary from the beginning of the 1980s, initially in the media network of picture books and animated films. Since the 2010s, the characters have increasingly appeared in the public space of Budapest: first in the context of thematic playgrounds, then in the form of mini-sculptures, and finally street art murals. In terms of time, these events coincide on the one hand with the so-called critical threshold, that transition between communicative and cultural memory, and on the other hand they set in at a point in time initiated by the operational end as well as the incipient building decay of the renowned Pannónia film studios. The examples chosen solely according to the criterion of visibility in public space prove to be representations planned, supported and tolerated by the public authorities.
Monuments serve to compress events and inform us about the way a culture deals with its past, as reflected in the Genocide Monument in Armenia’s capital, which was built in memory of the 1.5 million Armenians murdered in 1915. The associated museum displays documents from countries that have thus far acknowledged the Genocide. Each of these documents presents an inherent problem internationally, however, which is intensified by the very absence of some, namely those of Turkey and the USA.The present decision-making process around a European Union-wide law, concerning genocide denial, embraces the dimension of political memory. The current discourse on Genocide recognition must therefore be identified as bipartisan.In the first part, I will contrast the Brussels’ legal petition, attempting indirectly to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, with the EU-centred policy of cultural memory.The motives underlying the Armenian submission can be explored in another way on behalf of Armenian culture. These motives become more apparent in my discussion of the background to a memorial tablet on the Sardarapat monument, which was built in memory of the Armenian battle against Ottoman invaders in 1918.
Propertius Kr. e. 16-ban keletkezett actiumi elégiája (IV 6) — az Aeneis pajzsleírásának egy utalását leszámítva — az első szöveg, amely a Kr. e. 28-ban fölszentelt palatiumi épületegyüttest az actiumi csata eseményéhez köti. A tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy a Propertius-költemény hogyan kapcsolódik a templom és könyvtár épületéhez, az elégia hogyan építi föl a kulturális-politikai emlékezet terét. Először a verset meghatározó gyűrűs szerkezet pontos föltárására tesz kísérletet, majd a propertiusi Augustus-kép néhány vonását tárja föl, végül pedig azt kutatja, hogy Propertius, illetve Horatius szövegeiben hogyan jelenik meg a kor kánonteremtő igénye, az irodalmi nyilvánosság kérdése, a Bibliotheca Apollinis Palatini kulturális üzenete.
The paper deals with some food names in Russian (апельсин, ананас) within the framework of linguoculturological approach. The aim of this study is to analyze the main tendencies prevailing in the semantic adaptation of these loanwords that entered the Russian language in the 18th century. The first part is devoted to the conditions of appearance of these words in Russian culture and their semantic characteristics. The second part contains the description of semantic shifts that occur during the formation of cultural connotations of orange and pineapple. The author also demonstrates the manner in which semantic shifts can be used to describe a huge amount of cultural knowledge or cultural information. Proceeding from the notion of “cultural memory”, I set out to show that the phraseological meaning is a complex structure including semantic information and its conceptual basis. In my study, I would like to demonstrate what processes go on during its actualization in idiomaticity. The analysis is conducted on the basis of data found in the Russian National Corpus.