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. Eriksson , L. ; Johansson , E. ; Kettaneh-Wold , N. ; Wikström , C. ; Wold , S. Design Of Experiments: Principles and Applications, 3rd edn. Umetrics AB, Umeå Learnways AB: Umeå, Stockholm, 2008
(40:60, % v/v ) to final concentration of 0.1 mg mL −1 . Mixed solution was prepared from equal quantities of final acid and alkaline neutralized degradation solutions. Blank solutions were also prepared during analysis. 2.5 Design of experiments (DoE
Kunszt Györgyöt tudományelméleti és kutatásmódszertani tevékenységének ismeretében felkérték arra, hogy adja elő a Tudománylogika és Kutatásmódszertan című, vizsgaköteles tárgyat a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Építészmérnöki Karának Doktori Iskolájában. R. L. Ackoff professzor, az operációkutatás fő alakja kutatási metodológiája mellett az önálló kutatásai alapján megírt „A tudományos kutatás logikai modellezése és tematikai irányítása” című doktori értekezése jelentette tárgyának egyik legfontosabb alappillérét. Az építészettörténettel foglalkozó doktoranduszokra tekintettel a Nagel-féle történeti kutatási módszertanra is kitért órái alatt. A DLA-s hallgatók részére Tanár Úr külön szemináriumot tartott Charles Jencks munkásságának ismertetésével.
the HPLC unit. The HF was disposed after single use. A multi-stirrer (model GLHPS-G) purchased from Global Lab (South Korea) was used. 2.6. Design of Experiments In order to confirm the optimum conditions
experimentally the kinetics of a synthetic effluent by Fenton and photo-Fenton processes at optimal operating conditions in terms of H 2 O 2 and Fe 2+ concentration. A 2 2 factorial design of experiments was proposed to define the initial concentration of
this research, closed cell aluminum foam specimens have been manufactured by direct foaming considering the Taguchi design of experiments (DOE) principles. The average pore size and the porous area of the samples have been determined through image
buffer (30:70, v/v ), at pH 6, using 1 mL/min. as a flow rate, and 270 nm as a detection wavelength; where: (a) SUL, (b) MET, (c) DOM Design of experiment Application of OFAT to optimize chromatographic separation, where every factor was studied solitary
Thermal degradation of polystyrene and polyvinylchloride was studied by thermomanometric analysis. A design of experiments was used to quantify the influence of 8 physico-chemical parameters on the responses of the analyser and on the different types of degradation compounds.
advantage over design of experiments (DoEs) and statistical screening for method parameter operational space towards method robustness considerations. AQbD takes into consideration both scientific facts and quality control requirements, so its application to
A wild type Aspergillus terreus GD13 strain, chosen after extensive screening, was optimized for lovastatin production using statistical Box-Behnken design of experiments. The interactive effect of four process parameters, i.e. lactose and soybean meal, inoculum size (spore concentration) and age of the spore culture, on the production of lovastatin was evaluated employing response surface methodology (RSM). The model highlighted the positive effect of soybean meal concentration and inoculum level for achieving maximal level of lovastatin (1342 mg/l). The optimal fermentation conditions improved the lovastatin titre by 7.0-folds when compared to the titres obtained under unoptimized conditions.