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. 2012 20 180 184 Aronsohn, A., Jensen, D.: Distributive justice and the arrival of direct-acting antivirals
Az együttműködő személy figyelmessége és eredményessége által keltett benyomások a megfigyelőben: tesz-e különbséget a társas értékorientáció kétféle szemüvege?
Impressions about the cooperativeness of an actor in the eye of an observer: The effects of offered voice opportunities and productive cooperation. Does social value orientation make any difference?
of Personality and Social Psychology , 75 ( 2 ), 394 – 407 . 3. Brockner , J. , Siegel , P. ( 1996 ): Understanding the interaction between procedural and distributive justice
Az igazságosságkutatás, az együttműködés-versengéskutatás és a hatalom pszichológiájára irányuló kutatás tematikus érintkezési pontjai
Overlaps in research areas of justice, cooperation/competition and power
. D eutsch , M. ( 1975 ). Equity, equality, and need: What determines which value will be used as the basis of distributive justice ?. Journal of Social Issues , 31 , 137 – 149
. Az összetorlódott idõ? — Második nekirugaszkodás 2013 Kolm S.-C. (1993): Distributive justice. In: Goodin R. E. — Pettit
– specifically, how they solve the economic optimization problems they face; (3) a distributive ethic , that prescribes the conception of economic fairness, or distributive justice with respect to the economic allocation 1
destructive processes . New Haven, CT : Yale University Press . Deutsch , M. ( 1985 ). Distributive justice . New Haven, CT : Yale University . Deutsch , M. ( 1990 ). Sixty years of conflict . International Journal of Conflict Management , 1 ( 3
’ involved with an emphasis on equity amongst them. Utilitarianism has evolved into two directions in terms of distributive justice, depending on how the greatest number principle is treated. 9 Individualistic liberal utilitarians may advocate that the
Fairness is largely a matter of perception. 40 In general, research results show disputants' perceptions of the justice provided by a procedure affect their judgments of the distributive justice provided by the outcome, their compliance with that outcome
‘receive’, in some relevant sense. Both building blocks of Marxian exploitation theory set it apart from alternative theories of exploitation, not to mention liberal theories of distributive justice more generally. 10
supposedly apolitical market processes ( Samuels 2002 ). Moreover, when fairness, distributive justice, and procedural justice are a priori considered exogenous from the perspective of the economic system (since they belong to the sphere of political arguing