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acquisition of a degree, in labour market opportunities and in all aspects of intellectual life. Although many studies have already examined the conditions of language teaching and learning, their processes and results (including Csapó, 2001 ; Fekete, Major
. The Labor Market One such development in contemporary society has occurred in the labor market. Since education, among its manifold aims, is expected – as has been noted already – to prepare learners for their role in society, an essential
A puha (soft) és a kemény (hard) készségek munkaerőpiaci szükségessége
The Labour Market Requirement of Soft and Hard Skills
Összefoglaló. Jelen tanulmány célja annak vizsgálata, hogy a jelenlegi munkaerőpiacon a puha (soft) vagy a kemény (hard) készségek jelennek meg erősebb elvárásként a munkavállalók szerint. A kutatás eredménye rámutatott arra, hogy egyes puha készségek (például a rugalmasság, kommunikáció, csapatmunka) erősebb elvárásként vannak jelen a munkaerőpiacon, mint az olyan kemény készégek, mint például a szakmai ismeret. Az eredmények azt is mutatják, hogy a puha és a kemény készségekkel szembeni elvárások kevésbé függnek össze, vagyis a munkavállalók szerint a munkáltatók nem rendszerszintű, egymással szorosan kapcsolatban álló készségekként értékelik ezeket. Eredményeink arra is rámutatnak, hogy a puha és kemény készségek önbevalláson alapuló szintje erősen összefügg a válaszadó nemével, életkorával és iskolai végzettségével.
Summary. The aim of the present study is to examine whether soft or hard skills are seen as the strongest requirement in the current labour market. The results of the research showed that some soft skills (e.g. flexibility, communication, teamwork) are almost more strongly expected than hard skills (e.g. professional knowledge). These results basically indicate that expectations of soft and hard skills are less interrelated and that employees perceive employers as valuing these skills as non-systemic, closely related skills. Our results also show that self-reported levels of soft and hard skills are strongly correlated with gender, age and educational attainment of the respondent.
A hallgatói munkavállalás mint a lemorzsolódás egyik lehetséges tényezője +
Working During Studies: The Potential Factor of Dropout
. & Elias, M. (2017) Working Whilst Studying in Higher Education. The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Academic and Labour Market Success. European Journal of Education , Vol. 52. No. 2. pp. 232
A kognitív készségek hatása a diplomás bérekre
The Impact of Cognitive Skills on Earnings of Graduates
) The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics , Vol. 3. No. 1. pp. 101
Introduction Problem-solving competence, and within that inductive thinking, is of decisive importance in technical higher education from two aspects. On the one hand, in terms of meeting the expectations of the labor market, and on the other hand
. Furthermore, multiple occupational levels within the same occupational fields also contribute to this diversity. The different production systems of each country as well as the ways their labor markets are structured is another element that brings diversity
disadvantages of Roma women are that they have a higher proportion of primary education than Roma men. The differences are even more significant in the labor market where we can observe a low proportion of Roma. In half of the countries of the Eastern European
A végzett pedagógusok diplomás pályakövetése
Graduate Career Tracking of Graduating Teachers
Working Papers on the Labour Market, BWP No. 1. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Budapest. 28 Haveman, R. & Smeeding, T. (2006) The Role of Higher
A mesterséges intelligencia az oktatásban: kihívások és lehetőségek
Artificial Intelligence in education: Challenges and perspectives
-struggle-to-hold-pencils-due-to-too-much-tech-doctors-say 2019.08.12. How will AI impact the Hungarian labour market? PricewaterhouseCoopers Magyarország Kft.