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Introduction Motivation is an important factor in achieving success in any challenging activity, including foreign language learning. It plays a crucial role together with the learner's aptitude, intelligence, and

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consider conceptual approaches that capture changes in player–machine interactions over time. In this section, we note that there are many research findings that document that motivations and “need states” (e.g., mood and need for arousal) that underline

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writing performance through this writing approach in the long run. The fact that in the areas of motivation in second language (L2) learning, especially in English writing, with a special focus on the Myanmar context no literature was found provided

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world, might also contribute to the heightened level of scholarly activity concerning language teachers. Specifically, it has been argued that teachers’ motivation to teach is being inhibited by such factors as lack of teacher autonomy, stress, heavy

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to this, patient lack of motivation or ambivalence about addiction treatment can serve to inhibit positive treatment outcomes ( Palmer, Murphy, Piselli, & Ball, 2009 ). Consequently, novel evidence-based strategies are urgently needed to enhance

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. J. Annett B. Cripps H. Steinberg 1995 Exercise addiction: Motivation for

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such applicants as being unmotivated or unreliable. If empirical findings could demonstrate that the employment of lifetime classic psychedelic users places a burden on the organizations where they work, such as through increased rates of motivation

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Ten myths (or facts?) about workaholism: An appetitive motivation framework

Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Steve Sussman

addiction implies something more. The idea is that individuals use work to experience an appetitive effect. That is, the same motivation system involved in hunger, thirst, sex, love, social belonging, and positioning may be involved in work. The work addict

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Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Gábor Orosz
Mária Benyó
Bernadett Berkes
Edina Nikoletti
Éva Gál
István Tóth-Király
, and
Beáta Bőthe

different aspects of Tinder-use motivations. Subsequently, the motivational, personality, and need-related background of problematic Tinder use was explored. Tinder is a dating smartphone application, which uses the location of users to offer them

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. and Kornazheva, B. P. (2001): Need satisfaction, motivation, and well-being in the work organizations of a former Eastern Bloc country: A cross-cultural study of self-determination. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 27, 930

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