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Progress in plant molecular tools has been resulted in the development of gene-targeted and functional marker systems. CAAT box region is a different pattern of nucleotides with a consensus sequence, GGCCAATCT, which situated upstream of the start codon of eukaryote genes and plays an important role during transcription. In the present study, several CAAT box-derived polymorphism (CBDP) primers were used for fingerprinting in mini-core collection of durum wheat (including internationally developed breeding lines and Iranian landraces). Twelve selected primers amplified 98 loci, of which all were polymorphic. The average values of the polymorphism information content (PIC) and resolving power (Rp) were 0.31 and 9.16, respectively, indicating a high level of variability among studied genotypes. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that 92% of the total variation resided among populations. The values of the percentage polymorphic bands (PPL), the observed (Na) and effective (Ne) number of alleles, Nei’s gene diversity (He) and Shannon’s information index (I) for Iranian landraces were higher than the breeding lines. The Fandendrogram obtained by cluster analysis grouped all individuals into three main clusters. Our results showed a remarkable level of genetic diversity among studied durum wheat, especially among Iranian landraces, which can be interest for future breeding programs. More importantly, the present study also revealed that CBDP technique was efficient and powerful tool to assess genetic diversity in wheat germplasm. Hence, this technique could be employed individually or in combination with other molecular markers to evaluate genetic diversity and relations among different species.

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The number of neurons, both GABA immunopositive and immunonegative, was determined in temporal epileptic foci of 7 patients after temporal lobectomy, and compared to neuronal numbers in temporal cortex of two controls taken from tumor operated patients. The thickness of the cortex of the epileptic cortex diminished by about 10%, while the number of nerve cells decreased to 67% of that of the control value: it was 19.000/mm3 vs. 28.000/mm3 found in the control. This decline was due to cell degeneration, which, however, was more severe for non-GABAergic nerve cells. Accordingly, the proportion of the GABA-positive neurons in the othervise diminished neuronal population increased to 36.4% from the 32% control value. The number of GABAergic terminals, however, decreased even further, explaining the resulting disinhibition during epileptic seizures.

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In the present study, efficiency of the artificial neural network (ANN) method to identify the best drought tolerance indices was investigated. For this purpose, 25 durum genotypes were evaluated under rainfed and supplemental irrigation environments during two consecutive cropping seasons (2011–2013). The results of combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that year, environment, genotype and their interaction effects were significant for grain yield. Mean grain yield of the genotypes ranged from 184.93 g plot–1 under rainfed environment to 659.32 g plot–1 under irrigated environment. Based on the ANN results, yield stability index (YSI), harmonic mean (HM) and stress susceptible index (SSI) were identified as the best indices to predict drought-tolerant genotypes. However, mean productivity (MP) followed by geometric mean productivity (GMP) and HM were found to be accurate indices for screening drought tolerant genotypes. In general, our results indicated that genotypes G9, G12, G21, G23 and G24 were identified as more desirable genotypes for cultivation in drought-prone environments. Importantly, these results could provide an evidence that ANN method can play an important role in the selection of drought tolerant genotypes and also could be useful in other biological contexts.

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Harting, J. K., Huerta, M. F., Hashikawa, T., van Lieshout, D. P. (1991) Projection of the mammalian superior colliculus upon the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus: Organization of tectogeniculate pathways in nineteen species. J. Comp. Neurol. 304 , 275

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During the study on flora of Hyrcanian forests and collecting specimens in order to plant in Hyrcanian habitat of National Botanical Garden of Iran, among the collected specimens, some specimens of the Quercus castaneifolia (Chestnut leaved oak) from south of Sari city in Mazandaran Province in North of Iran seemed to be interesting and were different from the other known subspecies of Q. castaneifolia. Results of morphological study of the species showed that there are clear differences between shape of the cupule and some micro-morphology traits of the leaf trichomes and pollen. Thus, based on the botanical traits of the new taxon and according to summarised data from the obtained results of the other subspecies and variety of the Q. castaneifolia, this taxon was identified as a new subspecies and named: Quercus castaneifolia subsp. recurvatus Zare et Panahi which is described here. The new taxon is related to Quercus castaneifolia subsp. castaneifolia var. castaneifolia and well characterised by having different shape and arrangement of the involucral bracts on the acorn cupule comparing with the others.

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18 440 449 ISO (1991): Sensory analysis — Methodology — Method of investigating sensitivity of taste. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva

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Acta Biologica Hungarica
U. Homberg
Sabine Hofer
Martina Mappes
H. Vitzthum
K. Pfeiffer
S. Gebhardt
Monika Müller
, and
Agnes Paech

) Organization of the circadian system in insects. Chronobiol. Int. 15 , 567-594. Organization of the circadian system in insects Chronobiol. Int. 15

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(Solanaceae) comprises cultivated and wild plants with 1400 species in the world and 14 species in Iran. Solanum is a taxonomically complex genus due to morphological similarities, phenotypic plasticity and hybridisation. Limited studies were done on anatomical features of this important genus. In this project, 10 native and exotic species of Solanum in Iran belonging to two subgenera were examined anatomically. Leaf mesophyll and midrib and indumentum were analysed using light microscope. Hand-made cross section method and Toluidine blue as colouring agent were used. Characters as length and width of main vascular bundle, thickness of collenchyma, trichome density, thickness of parenchyma strand, thickness of lamina and length and shape of midrib were diagnostic features among species studied. In UPGMA tree and PCA ordination, species of two subgenera were separated from each other. Results of this study confirmed the taxonomic importance of anatomical characters in Solanum species studied.

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16 43 47 Ulanowitz, R. E. 1979. Complexity, stability and self-organization in natural communities. Oecologia 42: 295

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The effect of focal visual attention on backward pattern masking was investigated using an orientation discrimination task. The results show that attention reduces primarily the effect of interruption masking, the later component of pattern masking, which occurs when the delay between the target and mask onset is about 50–150 ms. The strongest spatial cueing effect, i.e. the strongest reduction of the orientation discrimination threshold due to focal attention, was observed at intermediate (~100 ms) target-to-mask stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). There was a weak effect of cueing at shorter SOAs, and no or a very weak attentional effect was present at longer target-to-mask SOAs, where the pattern masking effect is absent. The dynamics of attentional modulation of backward pattern masking correlates closely with the dynamics of the attentional modulation of neuronal responses in the early visual cortex.

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