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A szakmai elkötelezettség és a munkahelyről való kilépési szándék összefüggései az életpálya előrehaladtával
The Relationship between Professional Commitment and Turnover Cognitions in the Light of Career Progress
. Blau , G. J ., & Boal , K. B . ( 1987 ): Conceptualizing How Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment Affect Turnover and Absenteeism . The Academy of Management Review , 12 ( 2 ), 288 – 300 . Blustein , D. L . ( 2013 ). The psychology of
. Maslach (1988) ‘The Impact of Interpersonal Environment on Burnout and Organizational Commitment’, Journal of Organizational Behavior 9, 297–308. Maslach C. The Impact of
2006 ‘same same’ but different? Can work engagement be discriminated from job involvement and organizational commitment? European Psychologist 11 2 119 127
Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment — Compared with Hierarchical Organization. Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies , 71: 161–182. Yang Y.-M. The Influence of
human resource management system, organizational commitment and business performance . Acta Oeconomica , 64 (Supplement 2 ), 275 – 288 . Kane , G.C. and Borgatti , S.P. ( 2011
Kiégés a kognitív érzelemreguláció tükrében magyar orvosok között
Burnout in the light of cognitive emotion regulation among Hungarian physicians
, organizational commitment and motivation among physicians. [A kiégés vizsgálata a munkahelyi elégedettség, a szervezeti elkötelezettség és a motiváció függvényében orvosok körében.] Különleges Bánásmód 2016; 2: 15
. Çelik , S. – Dedeoğlu , B. B. – İnanir , A. ( 2015 ): Relationship between Ethical Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction at Hotel Organizations . Ege Academic Review 15 ( 1 ): 53 – 63
, C. E. — Parker, R. S. (2004): Customer-oriented Selling: Exploring the Roles of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Commitment. Psychology and Marketing , 21(6): 405–424. Parker R. S
Job Involvement and Organisational Commitment. Applied Psychology: An International Review , 48 (2): 197–209. Randall D. Perceived Organisational Support, Satisfaction with Rewards
achieving the high-performance goal of organizations. Smith (1995) highlighted the importance of organizational commitment, the provision of adequate resources, the effects of the role of department heads, the setting and