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A cukorbetegség szövődményeinek összefüggése a depressziós és szorongásos tünetekkel
The association between diabetes complications and symptoms of depression and anxiety
diabetes mellitus assessed on the basis of Hungarostudy Health Panel survey. [Cukorbetegek életminősége a Hungarostudy Egészség Panel vizsgálat alapján.] Orv Hetil. 2013; 154, 531–537. [Hungarian
A méhnyakrák okozta éves epidemiológiai és egészségbiztosítási betegségteher Magyarországon
Annual epidemiological and health insurance burden of cervical cancer in Hungary
cancers in the United States: evidence from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 2007–2014. J Gynecol Oncol. 2020; 31: e52. 40 Cheikh A, El Majjaoui S
Az élettartammal és az időskori betegségteherrel kapcsolatos szubjektív várakozások
Subjective expectations concerning life expectancy and age-related health burden
: 441. 42 Popham F, Mitchell R. Self-rated life expectancy and lifetime socio-economic position: cross-sectional analysis of the British household panel
Az Etnikai Csoportok Identitása Kérdőív (MEIM-H) validálása és pszichometriai jellemzői magyarországi roma mintán
The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM): Psychometric properties and validation on a Hungarian Gypsy/Roma sample
.00195 Simonovits , G ., & Kézdi , G . , ( 2014 ). Poverty and the Formation of Roma Identity in Hungary: Evidence from a Representative Panel Survey of Adolescents . Smith , T. B ., & Silva , L . ( 2011 ). Ethnic
usage of smartphones reaching approximately 95% of the population. Furthermore, a media panel survey stated that, the age at which smartphones are used is gradually getting younger. In South Korea, the rate for the possession of smartphone among
economics that each individual possesses one concave utility function. The empirical data were obtained using individual longitudinal data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond (TEPS-B) to estimate a nonlinear model as a logit function of
practice of the China Education Panel Survey ( 2014 ). The research procedures met the requirements of the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical approval was obtained from the affiliated University of Hong Kong. Results
. ( 2020 ). Defining the esports bettors: Evidence from an online panel survey of emerging adults . International Gambling Studies , 20 ( 3 ), 487 – 499 . . Wattanapisit , A. , Wattanapisit , S
prevalence survey ( Hare, 2015 ). The marginal probabilities p ( H | C ) were calculated from the online panel survey described above in the “Participants” section. Ethics The study underwent ethical review and was
(direct: TTO/VAS) New Zealand Browne et al. (2017) 33.2% 19.1% 24.7% 22.0% Count of Harms Australia (panel survey) Browne and Rockloff (2018) * 14.6% 52.6% 32.8% HRQoL (indirect) Australia (Victoria) Browne, Newall et al. (2022) 18.5% 23.7% 32.5% 25