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References 1. Drezen , E. 2002 . Internationalization of Scientific-technical Terminology . Riga. 2. IITF
report1b.pdf >. 3. Rirdance , S. – Vasiļjevs , A. 2006 . Towards Consolidation of European Terminology Resources. Experience and Recommendations from EuroTermBank Project . EuroTermBank
In volume II of his encyclopaedia Pliny the Elder presents astronomical, meteorological, geographical and climatologic phenomena. The study analyses the use of the most important technical terms with the help of the data of a database specially made for this purpose. The entire Hungarian translation of volume II was made with the help of this database: it facilitated the consistent translation of technical terms. In many cases the terms used by Pliny the Elder have diverse meanings. As the entire volume II is a complex collection of knowledge pertaining to diverse scientific fields existing in our days, the use of terms cannot be classified on the basis of belonging to certain disciplines. In many cases we cannot speak about exact terms yet. However, in Pliny the Elder’s Cosmology the consistent and precise definition and use of terms can sometimes be observed, which refers to the existence of exact technical terms.
Content interoperability of multilingual content resources – New aspects of standardization, certification and quality assurance (QA)
A tartalom interoperabilitása többnyelvű tartalmak forrásai esetén – a szabványosítás, tanúsítás és minőségbiztosítás új szempontjai
This contribution focuses on domain-specific multilingual structured content (including terminology). In eApplications, such as eBusiness, eHealth, eLearning, etc., terminology today is mostly embedded in or combined with other kinds of content (most frequently occurring in specialized texts) – increasingly, however, occurring in combination with other kinds of structured content. In order to make the development of structured content less expensive (because of its labour-intensiveness), new methods for web-based, distributed, cooperative creation of structured content (and the respective workflow management) are needed.
This adds a new dimension to technical and other kinds of interoperability: content interoperability, a fundamental requirement for achieving the aims of the semantic web. ISO/TC 37 “Terminology and other language and content resources” is gradually moving into this area, bringing in its competence and experience with the data modelling of multilingual terminological data and other language resources (LRs) from the point of view of ‘content’ as seen by domain experts.
A new generation of content repositories, such as the ISO Concept DataBase (ISO/CDB), the DIN Properties Dictionary and the eCl@ss multilingual product classification are important developments in the direction outlined above. They are based on international standards, which will also pave the way for new kinds of certification and quality management in the enterprise.
standardization: principles, terminological questions in the international and Hungarian practice] . Helynévtörténeti Tanulmányok [Studies on Place-Name History] 7 , 85 – 102 . Bölcskei , A
Developing national terminology policies: A case study from Wales
Nemzeti terminológia-politika kidolgozása: walesi esettanulmány
: 12.12.10). 10. Jones , D. B. – Prys , D. 2006 . The Welsh National Online Terminology Database . In: Ties , I. (ed.) Proceedings of the Lesser Used Languages and Computer
János Sajnovics and Sámuel Gyarmathi are usually appreciated as the first scholars to have proven the relatedness of the Finno-Ugric languages. This paper argues that the significance of Demonstratio and Affinitas lies not so much in their contribution to the idea of relatedness (since that had been in the air before them) as in the synthesis they give. Sajnovics and Gyarmathi arranged previously known but unsystematic information and arguments into a clear and coherent structure. They applied the principles of linguistic comparison very consciously and pointed out the importance of the evidence of grammar. The most important aspect of their work is the way it anticipated the methods of modern linguistics: deduction, logical inference, philological methods with Sajnovics, and reconstruction and the assumption of hypothetical transitional forms with Gyarmathi. In its purpose, Sajnovics’s book is closer to genealogical comparison, Gyarmathi’s to typological comparison.
The biggest impact on the development of Lithuanian terminology was made by Stasys Šalkauskis' work Terminologijos teorija ir lietuviškoji filosofijos terminija (Terminological theory and Lithuanian terminology of philosophy) published in parts between 1925 and 1934. In 1979, principles established by Šalkauskis were developed in Kazimieras Gaivenis' article Bendrieji lietuvių terminijos kūrimo ir norminimo principai (General principles of creation and normalization of Lithuanian terminology) and his book Lietuvių terminologija: teorijos ir tvarkybos metmenys (Lithuanian terminology: an outline of theory and ordering) (2002). Ten principles of the creation and normalization of Lithuanian terminology suggested by Šalkauskis and Gaivenis essentially did not change – they still are applicable. More significant changes are noticeable in the scope and methods of practical terminology work.
Is there anything more we can do? A collaboration plan for Terminology Service Centres (TSCs) in Europe and beyond
Tehetünk még valamit? Együttműködési terv a terminológiai szolgáltató központok számára Európában és azon kívül
:// . 7. . 8. Dubuc , R. 1997 . Terminology: A practical approach . Montreal : Brossard Linguatech . 9
applications . Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa : Armand Colin . 5. Cabré M. T. 2003 . Theories on Terminology . Their Description, Prescription and