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citrate and various cheese starter cultures . Makara J. Technol. , 16 ( 2 ): 149 – 156 . Bourne , M. ( 1978 ). Texture Profile Analysis . Food Technology , 32 : 62

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Acta Alimentaria
P. Penksza
R. sárosi
R. Juhász
K. Manninger-kóczán
B. Szabó-Nótin
L. Szakács
, and
J. Barta

Kip, P., Meyer, D. & Jellema, R.H. (2006): Inulins improve sensoric and textural properties of low-fat yoghurts. Int. Dairy J., 16, 1098–1103. Jellema R.H. Inulins improve

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-holding properties, therefore low loaf volume ( Elgeti et al., 2015 ), crumbling texture, poor colour ( Torbica et al., 2010 ), choky dry mouth-feel and shorter shelf life ( Gambus et al., 2007 ). According to consumer survey studies the quality of GF sweets

Open access
Acta Alimentaria
R. Sárosi
K. Manninger-Kóczán
P. Penksza
R. Juhász
B. Szabó-Nótin
L. Szakács
, and
J. Barta

Bourne, M. (2002): Food texture and viscosity. Concept and measurement . 2 nd ed., Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 1–32. Bourne M. Food

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methods like vacuum drying-assisted freeze drying and infrared drying-assisted freeze drying on the physical and chemical characteristics of apple dices. The quality of dried apple cubes was determined in terms of rehydration capacity, texture, moisture

Open access

Introduction Microwavable frozen baked goods are used frequently by the food industry to enrobe meat, vegetable, and sweet items for convenient meal delivery [ 1 ]. Doughs, however, suffer from poor texture upon microwave

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Veronica Frank
Sonaz Shariati
Bettina Katalin Budai
Bence Fejér
Ambrus Tóth
Vince Orbán
Viktor Bérczi
, and
Pál Novák Kaposi

imaged lesions. The identification of the suspected lesion and its boundaries used for labeling the ROI is the first important step ( Fig. 1 ). The radiomic features from the ROIs are used for comparing lesions to detect differences in shape, texture and

Open access
Central European Geology
Attila Demény
Géza Nagy
Bernadett Bajnóczi
Tibor Németh
József Garai
Vadym Drozd
, and
Ernst Hegner

Y. Sano 2008 Intragrain variation in δ 13 C and nitrogen concentration associated with textural heterogeneities of carbonado Canadian Mineralogist 46

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Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. 2003 36 223 233 Bourne, M.C. (1978): Texture profile

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soils. Soil and Tillage Research. 61. 77–92. Franzluebbers, A. J. et al., 1996. Active fractions of organic matter in soils with different texture. Soil Biol. Biochem. 28. 1367

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