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& Berridge, 1993 ). Thus, the examination of brain responses to Internet gaming cues among IGD may provide insight into one of the most important mechanisms of motivational and compulsive Internet gaming behavior ( Tiffany & Conklin, 2000 ). Cue
control performance can be affected by situational factors such as behavior-specific cues but also by motivational incentives ( Jones, Christiansen, Nederkoorn, Houben, & Field, 2013 ; Leotti & Wager, 2010 ). One further explanation could therefore be
sociodemographic, psychological, and motivational factors associated with GLA engagement; and (c) identify gaps and emerging areas that will require further research. The convergence of gambling and gaming is a relatively recent phenomenon. Yet, there is a growing
inhibition in motivation toward closure . Personality and Individual Differences , 42 , 1117 – 1126 . 16. Kruglanski , A. W. ( 2005 ): A zárt gondolkodás pszichológiája . Budapest
Mentalizációra irányuló igény és együttműködés integratív alkutárgyalásban
The need for mentalizing and cooperation in integrative negotiation
of mind ? Journal of Evolutionary Psychology , 8 , 261 – 274 . M aio , G. R. , & E sses , V. M. ( 2001 ). The need for affect: Individual differences in the motivation to
investigate whether addiction symptoms and time spent on games would decrease after tDCS. The secondary objective was to examine changes in self-control and motivation, both of which are associated with online game addiction ( Kim et al., 2016 ) and may be
–64. Jensen , M. P., Karoly , P. (1991) Motivation and Expectancy Factors in Symptom Perception: A Laboratory Study of the Placebo Effect. Psychosomatic Medicine, 53, 144–152. Jewett , D. L., Fein , G
A pair rajzelemzési technika alkalmazása 8–9 éves gyermekek győzelemmel és vesztéssel kapcsolatos rajzain
Using the pair method on 8–9 years old children’s drawings related to winning and losing
International Perspective, Vol 6: Culture, Motivation and Learning: A Multicultural Perspective (pp. 235 – 284 ). Greenwich, CT : Information Age Publishing . Fülöp
A szexuális rendszer működése kérdőív magyar változata (SSFS)
Hungarian version of the Sexual System Functioning Scale (SSFS)
.copsyc.2018.02.005 . Birnbaum , G. E. , Weisberg , Y. J. , & Simpson , J. A. ( 2011 ). Desire under attack: Attachment orientations and the effects of relationship threat on sexual motivations . Journal of Social and Personal Relationships , 28 ( 4
Positive Valence Systems - stronger motivation to receive erotic rewards in CSBD individuals ( Gola