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): 198 – 215 . 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.033 Inizan , M.-L. , Reduron-Ballinger , M. , Roche , H. , and Tixier , J. ( 1999 ). Technology and terminology of knapped stone . Préhistoire de la Pierre Taillée, 5 . C.R.E.P. , Nanterre . Jelínková
licensed by case (case-sensitive agreement in the terminology of Bobaljik (2008) and Baker (2015) ) is also reported e.g. in the case of agreement with ergative subjects in Ingush and other Caucasian languages. Case is independent of agreement e.g. in
's Gestalt , its meaning. Thus, the use of some of the traditional syntactic and analytic terminology remains unavoidable, which should, however, be understood in a more naïve sense and context, relieved of its conventional idiomatic definitory and
The gallows in Holíč (Skalica district, Slovakia) archaeological research and virtual reconstruction
Šibenica v Holíči (okres Skalica, Slovensko). Archeologický výskum a pokus o virtuálnu rekonštrukciu
Akasztófa Holicsban (Skalicai járás, Szlovákia). Régészeti kutatás és kísérlet a virtuális rekonstrukcióra
to the use of inconsistent architectural terminology in several study materials to refer to the supporting vertical structures of the gallows (column/pillar/post), the term ‘abutment post’ or ‘post’ will be used in the present study. Despite the
Anthropology, Folk Law . This terminological uncertainty characterized Hungarian research as well (e.g., folk customary law research, legal folklife research, ethnographic legal research, legal folk customs research, legal ethnography, legal ethnology, legal
terminology. It is generally agreed that, whenever possible, individual tribal names should be the precise term used. Michael Yellow Bird (Sahnish/Arikara), however, makes a case for the use of more generalized terms: “The terms ‘Indigenous’ and ‘First Nations
A helyi lakosság továbbélése Pannoniában a településszerkezeti változások tükrében – előtanulmány
The continuity of the local population in the light of the settlement structures and network – a preliminary paper
material traditions (38%). This appears not only in rural villages, but in auxiliary vici too. Last but not least, terminology. The word “indigenous” is not the best choice in Hungarian due to its pejorative tone. Since the Romanisation process can take
A kőnyersanyag-források és az őskori ember: Egy sokrétű viszony kutatása
Lithic raw material sources and prehistoric men: Research of a manifold relationship
. Hovers , E. ( 2015 ). Tools go back in time . Nature , 521 : 294 – 295 . . Inizan , M.-L. , Reduron-Ballinger , M. , Roche , H. és Tixier , J. ( 1999 ). Technology and terminology of knapped Stone , Vol
perspectives. However, from the definitions and examples quoted above, and without going into detail, at least three lessons can be drawn: One of the most obvious lessons is to do with terminology. It is the realization that phenomena indicating cultural change
indeed widely popular and appeared in the interiors of homes of various social groups, even the peasantry. On the role of prints in shaping visual concept of ethnicity, race and nationhood, see: Fülemile 2010 . 6 The terminology in the costume