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general term could denote earths from various localities of Europe in the terminology of, say, Matthioli or Aldrovandi. Thus it was/is not always easy to establish the real place of origin behind the geographical name, not to mention counterfeited

Open access
Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Beáta Tugya
Katalin Náfrádi
Sándor Gulyás
Tünde Törőcsik
Balázs Pál Sümegi
Péter Pomázi
, and
Pál Sümegi

– A. Le Thomas : Glossary of pollen and spore terminology . Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 143 ( 2007 ) 1 – 81 . 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2006.06.008 Rapaics 1918 = R. Rapaics : Az Alföld növényföldrajzi jelleme I–II. (Phytogeographical

Open access

terminology of É. Kiss 1998 ) must also front to Spec,CP. At the same time, this contradiction would not be the first time a postsyntactic operation has been analyzed as feeding a narrowly syntactic one; Martinović (2019) , for example, proposes this exact

Free access

sort of effect than ‘Level 1’ stress-shifting, to be discussed herein. 3 Here I am making a generalization using the terminology of Optimality Theory (OT) for ease of exposition. The pattern can be just as easily described in a rule-based phonological

Free access

German terminology named “Geperlt” 234 product definitely different from presented by J. Bujna. 235 It seems, the nearest analogies of this bracelet are known Almásfüzitő grave 1 in Hungary 236 while this was particularly commonly occurred in Austria

Open access

As a result of the active linguistic research that is going on in Russia, there are several dictionaries available to aid the exploration of banking and financial terminology. In this paper, professional banking expressions are analyzed from a historical-etymological viewpoint, and the evolution of banking terminology is described through the development of the Russian banking system. Particular attention is paid to the formation of present-day Russian banking terminology, and the classification of specialized terms is also discussed.

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Quelques voies de recherche inexplorées en terminologie

Felfedezetlen területek a terminológiai kutatásban

Magyar Terminológia
Loïc Depecker


Areas in terminology which have yet to be investigated. One may wonder whether terminology is a new discipline. In any case, research in terminology is relatively recent and permit us to glimpse the huge research field lying ahead of us. Three of these areas dealing with logic, psychology and ethnology are presented here, and lead to a reflection on the principles and aims of terminology as a scientific discipline.

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Lyric Suite and the String Quartet op. 28 respectively. 3 Particularly striking is the precision of the terminology used in defining the formal sections, which is very apparent in the German version, published as a preface to

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.] 1956 . Русско-ногайский словарь . Москва : Государственное Издательство Иностранных и Национальных Словарей . Baştuğ , Sharon 1993 . ‘Kök Türük Kinship Terminology: An Omaha Model.’ Central Asiatic Journal 37 : 1 – 19 . Behbutov , Sefi

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The paper describes the process of the crystallization of official medical terminology in Slovakian in Hungary on the basis of data collected from four dictionaries as well as its connections to folk medical terminology which formed a stable part of the vocabulary at the end of the 19th c. and at the beginning of the 20th c.

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