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Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Małgorzata Draps
Guillaume Sescousse
Mateusz Wilk
Katarzyna Obarska
Izabela Szumska
Weronika Żukrowska
Aleksandra Majkowska
Ewelina Kowalewska
Julia Szymanowska
Urszula Hamerska
Magda Trybuś
Karolina Golec
Iwona Adamska
Karol Szymczak
, and
Mateusz Gola

impulsivity and related aspects differentiate among recreational and unregulated use of internet pornography . Journal of Behavioral Addictions , 1 – 11 .

Open access

NSSI as a behavioral addiction Among adolescents with NSSI, there are two different subpopulations of NSSI, those engaging in repetitive NSSI (R–NSSI) and those engaging in occasional NSSI (O–NSSI), which differ in frequency, motivation, and

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Martin Bielefeld
Marion Drews
Inken Putzig
Laura Bottel
Toni Steinbüchel
Jan Dieris-Hirche
Gregor R. Szycik
Astrid Müller
Mandy Roy
Martin Ohlmeier
, and
Bert Theodor te Wildt

Disorders” the now called “Gambling Disorder” yet is the only recognized behavioral addiction. However, within Section III of DSM-5, Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is first mentioned as a condition warranting more clinical research and experience before it

Open access

Az egészségromlás és az egészségmagatartás-változás kvalitatív vizsgálata munkafüggők körében

Deterioration of health and change in health behavior among individuals at risk of work addiction: a qualitative study

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Bernadette Kun
Anna Hamrák
Viktória Kenyhercz
Zsolt Demetrovics
, and
Zsuzsa Kaló

, M . D . ( 2019 ). Beyond the myths about work addiction: Toward a consensus on definition and trajectories for future studies on problematic overworking . Journal of Behavioral Addictions , 8 ( 1 ), 7 – 15 . 10

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Mohamed Ali Gorsane
Michel Reynaud
Jean-Luc Vénisse
Cindy Legauffre
Marc Valleur
David Magalon
Mélina Fatséas
Isabelle Chéreau-Boudet
Alice Guilleux
JEU Group
Gaëlle Challet-Bouju
, and
Marie Grall-Bronnec

Background and aims

Gambling disorder-related illegal acts (GDRIA) are often crucial events for gamblers and/or their entourage. This study was designed to determine the predictive factors of GDRIA.


Participants were 372 gamblers reporting at least three DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) criteria. They were assessed on the basis of sociodemographic characteristics, gambling-related characteristics, their personality profile, and psychiatric comorbidities. A multiple logistic regression was performed to identify the relevant predictors of GDRIA and their relative contribution to the prediction of the presence of GDRIA.


Multivariate analysis revealed a higher South Oaks Gambling Scale score, comorbid addictive disorders, and a lower level of income as GDRIA predictors.

Discussion and conclusion

An original finding of this study was that the comorbid addictive disorder effect might be mediated by a disinhibiting effect of stimulant substances on GDRIA. Further studies are necessary to replicate these results, especially in a longitudinal design, and to explore specific therapeutic interventions.

Open access

Erratum: Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (3) (2020) 664–675 DOI: 10.1556/2006.2020.00068 The name of co-author, Roman Gabrhelík was incorrectly published (as Roman Gabhelík) in the original article. The publisher apologises for this error.

Open access


Background and aims: With the growing number of virtual sites and easy access to them, as well as increasing popularity of the game, online poker could foster addiction. The aim of the current inquiry was to gauge susceptibility to behavioural addiction in online and traditional poker players. Methods: Ninety-six online poker players and 35 traditional players were tested on the basis of the “Components model” for addiction (Griffiths, 2005). Using a Likert scale, ratings on six components were examined: salience, conflict, mood modification, withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, and relapse. Results: The traditional players scored higher than online players on measures of conflict, mood modification, and relapse. While none of the traditional players were at risk, the majority of them (94.7%) were symptomatic. Two online players were at risk, 67.7% symptomatic and 30.2% asymptomatic. No significant correlations have emerged between the amount and history of poker playing and the addiction scores. Conclusions: The current findings suggest that most traditional players are prone to behavioural addiction while the majority of the online players are also symptomatic.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Csilla Ágoston
Attila Körmendi

Hayes, S. C. & Levin, M. E. (2012). Mindfulness and acceptance for addictive behaviors: Applying contextual CBT to substance abuse and behavioral addictions . Oakland, CA: New Harbinger

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Damian van der Neut
Margot Peeters
Meyran Boniel-Nissim
Helena Jeriček Klanšček
Leila Oja
, and
Regina van den Eijnden

Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 12(2), 448–457. The above paper should be modified as follows: In our method section, we described Internet Gaming Disorder as follows: In line with the DSM-5 definition

Open access

To the paper: Time to call for a global public health approach in prevention of the onset and progression of problematic gaming THOMAS CHUNG, SIMMY SUM and MONIQUE CHAN published in the Journal of Behavioral

Open access