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In Galicia, at the end of the 19th century attempts were undertaken to create a modern Ukrainian (“Ruthenian”) language predominantly on the basis of common language. Politicians, scientists, artists and the clergy recognised their obligation to participate in the process of creating Ukrainian terminologies, particularly philosophical terminology, in the context of the emerging national language. The usage of philosophical terminology in school books of the period demonstrates the general tendency prevailing in Ukrainian human sciences: translation and loan-translation, parallel use of international and common language forms, use of glosses, etc. A detailed analysis of phonetics, morphology, lexical base and stylistics of the terminological corpus reflects the attempts to create a standard language in Galicia and shows the heterogeneous and complex nature of this variant of the emerging Ukrainian language.
The present article is a terminological reflection on lexical units within substantival syntagmes, such as idioms, collocations and compound nouns. A short introduction on polylexical units on the N+Adj model underlines the variety of possible terminological confusions, and puts forward a new criterion aiming at defining the peculiar linguistic status of polylexical units. It is necessary indeed to take the duality of the reference and actualization levels into consideration.
The present article musters the fifteen demons causing child-disease as they appear in written sources since the 14th up to the 21st century. Terminology of their names shows the development of language fashion in using Buddhist terminology: corrupted Sanskrit words taken from the Uighur were used in the 14th century, while Mongolian terms literally translated from Tibetan were applied in the 16th century and corrupted Tibetan names are fashionable in our days.
In the 1850s, the process of standardization was characteristic of Central and South European languages. In accordance with ideas of the Enlightenment, this process was going on in the spirit of purism. The creation of native terminology, above all legal one, constituted an important component of the activity of purists. German–Slavic dictionaries of legal terms influenced the development of Slavic, and non-Slavic, languages greatly. The present study discusses this process of the terminology creation, giving some typical examples.
Az orosz kognitív nyelvészet fogalmi kategóriái és terminológiai bázisa
Terminological introduction to Russian cognitive linguistics
A tanulmány célja az orosz kognitív nyelvészeti terminológia bemutatása. Az orosz nyelvészek saját kognitív nyelvészeti iskolát hoztak létre. Ismerik az angolszász kognitív nyelvészeti iskola eredményeit, de saját értelmezésükkel megteremtették az orosz terminológiát. A két terminológiai rendszerben sok azonosság van, sok területen pedig eltérnek egymástól. Az elemzés kiemeli, hogy fontos ismerni a nemzeti kognitív nyelvészet terminológiáját, és különböző nyelveken írott közlemények olvasásakor összevetni azokat. Az orosz kognitív nyelvészeti terminusok eredeti alakját és azok értelmezését is megadja a tanulmány. Nem végezzük el a két terminológiai rendszer teljes körű összehasonlítását, mivel jelen dolgozatban az a célunk, hogy a magyar szakemberek számára kevésbé ismert orosz irányzatokkal és azok szakkifejezéseivel ismertessük meg az olvasót.
terminology confusion and conflation, we adopt a restrained working definition of ‘translationese’ as ‘ the result of source text interference ’, namely the features caused by the constraints of the source text. We will discuss the rationality and advantage of
Szabványosítás és a terminológia
Standardization and terminology
A szabvány az élet minden területén a megismételhetőségnek, a kölcsönös elfogadásnak és a szándékos vagy véletlen félreértés elkerülésének eszköze. Önként vállalható, közmegegyezéssel létrehozott feltételrendszer. Egyesíti magában a hagyományos és a legkorszerűbb ismereteket (fogalmak, műszaki jellemzők, vizsgálati módszerek, eljárások stb.).
The paper focuses on a highly specific lexical field of juridical terminology. The analysis of the word-formation process, which is generally called compounding, takes into consideration two types of coining new words in French, ``proper'' and ``improper'' compounding. These two types are compared to their Slovak equivalents in order to investigate differences in their motivation.
Juxtaposing Hungarian and Polish eponyms, the author establishes that they overlap to the great degree. Similarly, the europeanisms of cultural vocabulary, special terminology and phraseology are quite the same in the two languages. All these are manifestations of common European culture and spirituality.
This paper describes the structure of the projected dictionary of philosophical terms created by the Russian religious philosopher Nikolai Fedorov. An original typology of Fedorov’s philosophical terms is presented: derivation and semantic neologisms, reinterpreted lexemes of everyday language and terms of other sciences. The proposed structure of lexicographic description can be used in the analysis of other terminological systems.