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Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Steve Sussman PhD, FAAHB, FAPA
Thalida Em Arpawong
Ping Sun
Jennifer Tsai
Louise A. Rohrbach
, and
Donna Spruijt-Metz

The relationship between behavioral addictions and the five-factor model of personality Journal of Behavioral Addictions 2 90 99

Open access

Where to put Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD)? Phenomenology matters •

Commentary to the debate: “Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11”

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Hans-Jürgen Rumpf
Christian Montag

Introduction The investigation of behavioral addictions represents a timely and important research topic and got rising attention, in particular with the inclusion of Gaming Disorder as an addictive behavior in the

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Bastien Perrot
Jean-Benoit Hardouin
Elsa Thiabaud
Anaïs Saillard
Marie Grall-Bronnec
, and
Gaëlle Challet-Bouju

Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 11 (2022) 3, pp. 874–889 DOI: 10.1556/2006.2022.00063 As a result of a mistake made during the production phase, the above paper was published with the in-text citations appearing in an incorrect order, first as an

Open access

, AMPARO DEL PINO-GUTIÉRREZ, MÓNICA GÓMEZ-PEÑA, NEUS AYMAMÍ, JOSÉ M. MENCHÓN and SUSANA JIMÉNEZ-MURCIA published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6 (4), pp. 669–677 (2017), DOI: 10.1556/2006.6.2017.078 The affiliation of José M

Open access

Lost in the chaos: Flawed literature should not generate new disorders

Commentary on: Chaos and confusion in DSM-5 diagnosis of Internet Gaming Disorder: Issues, concerns, and recommendations for clarity in the field (Kuss et al.)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Antonius J. Van Rooij
Daniel Kardefelt-Winther

the “chaos and confusion” that currently surrounds Internet Gaming Disorder. At present, the field lacks basic theory, definitions, and properly validated and standardized assessment tools. This is quite common in behavioral addiction research

Open access

published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 4 (4), pp. 281–288 (2015), DOI: 10.1556/2006.4.2015.040 This erratum aims to signal an error that occurred in Table  3 of our article. The frequencies and percentages for non-problematic game

Open access

. , Van Looy , J. , & Van Rooij , A. J. ( 2017 ). Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 gaming disorder proposal . Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6 ( 3 ), 267

Open access

Problematic overstudying: Studyholism or study addiction?

Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Yura Loscalzo
Marco Giannini

-like behaviors, such as behavioral addictions and substance use: in these disorders, the person derives pleasure from the substance/activity, and the possible desire to resist them is only due to many negative consequences associated with the substance. In line

Open access

Considering existing classic and contemporary proposals for preventing online addiction problems: Some old recipes for new problems

Commentary on: Problematic risk-taking involving emerging technologies: A stakeholder framework to minimize harms (Swanton et al., 2019)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Olatz Lopez-Fernandez

The paper by Swanton, Blaszczynski, Forlini, Starcevic, and Gainsbury (2019) debates the relevance of introducing stakeholders in the prevention framework of those behavioural addiction problems that emerge and are developed by the use of

Open access

Veterinaria 0,955 Analysis Mathematica 0,788 Biologia Futura 0,821 Cereal Research Communications 0,850 Community Ecology 1,185 Journal of Behavioral Addictions 6