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. For comparison, the corresponding DSC cooling curve is also shown. Fig. 3 Variation of the carbonyl band intensity on cooling from 70 °C through the hot-crystallisation region
Figure 4b shows the DSC cooling thermograms for PPCN0, PPCN2, PPCN4, and PPCN6. The crystallization curves show that the nanocomposites crystallized at higher temperatures (122.1, 120.0, and 114.5 °C for PPCN2, PPCN4, and PPCN6, respectively) with
ratio of Δ H m to Δ H m 0 , Δ H m 0 of perfect PP crystals has been reported as 148 J g −1 [ 39 ]. Fig. 1 DSC cooling–melting curves of different WF content at 10 K min −1
), 80/20 ( filled square ), 75/25 ( filled circle ), ML ( open circle ) Differential scanning calorimetry analysis The DSC cooling scan for pure PP and PPML blends is shown in the Fig
The non-isothermal crystallization process of both non-nucleated and β-nucleated systems was measured by cooling samples from 200 to 100 °C at a standard rate of 10 °C min −1 after elimination of thermal history. The DSC cooling curves are presented
, B sample) has crystallite size of brookite phase of 14.6 nm in the brookite stable region; also, the brookite phase transformation is not reversible, no thermal effect on the DSC cooling curve was observed. As a consequence of the thermodynamic
Functionalisation of polypropylene non-woven fabrics (NWFs)
Functionalisation by oxyfluorination as a first step for graft polymerisation
, b 2nd heating) Table 5 Data of crystallisation of PP-NWFs from 1st DSC cooling
Crystallisation behaviour of palm oil nanoemulsions carrying vitamin E
DSC and synchrotron X-ray scattering studies
slowed down in emulsions with low size droplets and containing small molecular weight molecules [ 22 – 30 ]. Fig. 1 Example of DSC cooling ( a ) and re-heating ( b ) curves obtained from palm oil at 10 °C min −1
points [ 26 ]. Fig. 2 DSC cooling curves (at 10 °C min −1 ) for the original HDPE sample and for the sample irradiated with a 200 KGy dose (HDPE200) The thermal