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. . Hageman , S.P.W. , van der Weijden , R.D. , Stams , A.J.M. , and Buisman , C.J.N. ( 2017 ). Bio-production of selenium nanoparticles with diverse physical properties for recovery from water
been effective tools for managing geospatial data. They provide spatial data types, indexing capabilities, and spatial operations that are specifically designed for handling geospatial information. In the past decade, the availability of GPS
Húsz éves avarmanipulációs kísérlet hatásai barna erdőtalaj szén tartalmára és vízkapacitására: Síkfőkút DIRT Project
The effects of a twenty-year litter manipulation experiment on the carbon content and water retention capacity of the examined Luvisols: Síkfőkút DIRT Project
. Kutatásaink során ezekre az eltérésekre is igyekeztünk választ találni. Anyag és módszer A Síkfőkút Project 27 hektáros területe a Bükk hegység déli részén 325 méteres átlag magasságban helyezkedik el. GPS-es koordinátái é.sz. 47,9268°; k.h. 20,4433° ( 1. ábra
the sensing element as mentioned in P. Morerio,, and G. Kong, [ 6 , 7 ]. As well as in [ 7 ], the camera-world mapping is approximated using a GPS-based learning calibration technique, and a new Wavelet-based model of fire’s frequency signature
node is selected as principal: root node. It is also assumed that each node recognizes its location and the locations of its neighbors, via Global Positioning System (GPS) or via localization algorithms [ 19 ]. Phase 2. Query execution The join query is
, “ Changes in the efficiency of an agricultural biogas plant depending on the raw material ,” Hungarian Agric. Res. , vol. 23 , no. 1 , pp. 9 – 13 , 2014 . [3] J. Tamás , “ Integration of agricultural biogas production and GPS/GIS technology based on
.1088/0026-1394/50/4/307 [6] EN ISO 10360-10:2016 , Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Acceptance and re-verification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) - Part 10: Laser trackers for measuring point-to-point distances, Geneva
highest amount of pollutants in surface runoff. Table I shows the basics information of the captured samples as capture date, location, GPS coordinates, and type of paved surface. Table I Characteristic of rainwater sampling Samples Data Place Function
-10:2016, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and re-verification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) - Part 10: Laser trackers for measuring point-to-point distances , 2016 . [2] Berényi A . Laser scanning in engineering survey
conditions for the digital paradigm shift is precision farming. The application of the GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation system in the first half of 1990 laid the foundations of precision farming, which represents a revolutionary change from an