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). The present paper investigates the relations between phonological form and information content that obtain within Latin verbal inflection from two partly interrelated points of view. In 2, we look at conditional entropy relations that hold within the

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. Notes on Latin orthography. The Classical Review 116–119. 156–167. Buck C Darling Notes on Latin orthography The Classical Review

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The present fascicle of Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae publishes the polished, revised and peer-reviewed versions of nine papers presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology (July 7–8, 2022

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1 INTRODUCTION. EVIDENTIALITY AND MIRATIVITY: SOME PRELIMINARY REMARKS 1 The aim of this paper is to reveal the linguistic strategies to express evidentiality and mirativity in the language of Plautus and Terence and, thus, to reinterpret some Latin

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Introductory remarks Antonio Cassarino's Latin translation of Plutarch's Περὶ τουᵔ τὰ ἄλογα λόγῳ χρῆσθαι ( Moralia 985D–992E) 1 is the earliest of three renderings made of this dialogue

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aussi remonter aux origines plus lointaines, et proprement romaines, du régime impérial. Le latin ayant été la langue officielle de l’Empire romain d’Orient, on peut donc s’attendre à trouver, dans les protocoles les plus anciens, des manifestations de

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1 INTRODUCTION In medieval times, the introduction of Christianity, and subsequently that of the Latin alphabet, in the Nordic countries did not immediately relegate the runic tradition to a marginal position. On the contrary, the relatively recent

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The first heyday of Christian poetry in Latin dates from the 4th to 6th centuries. At this time, Latin poetry of the early Christian period was developing in two directions. Hilarius and Ambrose aimed their hymns at meeting the liturgical needs of

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* The present paper has been prepared within the framework of the project OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) No. K 108399 entitled “Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age” (see: http

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