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) [Old Uyghur Altun Yaruk (introduction, text and index)] . Ankara : Türk Dil Kurumu . [Kâşgarlı Mahmud] 1941 . Divanü Lûgat-it-Türk Tıpkıbasımı = Faksimile . Ankara : Alâeddin Kıral Basımevi . Kormušin , İ. V . [Кoрмушин, И. В.] 1997
-sitatis Szegediensis . Acta Historica 139 : 95 – 106 . Vér , Márton 2019a . Old Uyghur Documents concerning the Postal System of the Mongol Empire . [Berliner Turfantexte 43.] Turnhout : Brepols . Vér , Márton 2019b . ‘Animal Denominations in the Uyghur
References Kasai Yukiyo 2008 . Die uigurischen buddhistischen Kolophone . [Berliner Turfantexte, 26.] Turnhout : Brepols . Kaya , Ceval 1994 . Uygurca Altun Yaruk . Giriş, metin ve dizin [Old Uyghur Altun Yaruk: Introduction, Text
wujin cang pin” xieben canjuan yanjiu 回鹘文《华严经•十无尽藏品》写本残卷研究 [A study on the Old Uyghur manuscript fragments of Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra ].’ Dunhuang Yanjiu 敦煌研究 3 : 74 – 80 . Zhang Tieshan 张铁山 2003 . ‘Mogaoku beiqu B128 ku chutu Huihuwen “Bashi
boluomi jing” de banben, yuandian jiqi chonggou 回鶻文《金剛般若波羅蜜經》的版本、原典及其重構 [On the versions, source texts and reconstruction of the Old Uyghur Vajracchedikā Sūtra].’ In: Academia Turfanica (eds.) Essays on the Third International Conference on Turfan
: Oxford University Press . Lundysheva , Olga and Anna Turanskaya 2020 . ‘Old Uyghur Fragments in the Serindia Collection: Prov-enance , Acquisiton, Processing.’ Written Monuments of the Orient 6 / 2 : 43 – 64 . Matsui , Dai 2009 . ‘Mongol
Aditya Prakashan . Huang Wenbi 黃文弼 1954 . Tulufan kaogu ji 吐魯番考古記 [Archaeological Report on Turfan] . Beijing : Science Press . IOM , RAS and Toyo Bunko 2021 . Catalogue of the Old Uyghur Manuscripts and Blockprints in the Serindia
. Johanson , Lars 2003 . ‘Old Uyghur, Eastern Turki, Modern Uyghur.’ Orientalia Suecana . LI-LII (2002-2003): 257 – 266 . Karaağaç , Günay 2013 . Türkçenin Ses Bilgisi [Phonology of Turkish] . İstanbul : Kesit . Kiernan , Victor G . 1955
2002 . Orhun Abideleri [Orkhon Monuments] . İstanbul : Boğaziçi Yayınları . Eski Uygurca Altun Yaruk Sudur’dan “Aç Bars” Hikâyesi (Metin-Çeviri-Açıklamalar-Dizin) [Story of the ‘Hungry Leopard’ from the Old Uyghur Altun Yaruq Sudur (Text
. LUNDYSHEVA , Olga & Dieter MAUE 2021 . ‘An Old Uyghur text fragment related to the Tocharian B “History of Kuchean kings”.’ In: Oliver Corff (ed.) Religion and State in the Altaic World. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Permanent