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We find three definitions of the saeculum in the Roman world. The Etruscan Century is based on the lives of the human beings and of the different cities in Etruria. We find an echo of these theories in the Roman divination There are two definitions of the century in Rome, a century of 100 and a century of 110 years. This theory, elaborated by the Quindecemviri sacris faciundis and Ateius Capito, has been taken into consideration to celebrate the Secular Games in 17 AD. In fact, the reign of Augustus has been considered as the return of the Golden Age in Italy and in the Roman world, with the end of the civil wars. In Vergil’s poetry, we find a historical conception of the Hesiodic Golden Age. Announced in the fourth Eclogue, the Golden age is localized in the Latium (Georgica) under the power of Augustus (Aeneid).

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A közlemény a Budapest területén számon tartott római kori őrtornyokra vonatkozó korábbi szakirodalmi adatokat és az újabb kutatások eredményeit veti össze annak érdekében, hogy pontosan meghatározható legyen a maradványok kora és rendeltetése.

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The emergence of large fortifications at the beginning of Early Iron Age reflects a change in settlements system. The current paper studies settlement sites along with metal finds, graves and graveyards from Late Bronze Age cultures to Early Iron Age/Hallstatt period in the Transylvanian Plateau.Our aim is to investigate the transformations and the dynamics of the settlements through cartographic documents and data relating to the landscape around the sites (using satellite images, aerial photographs and geophysical measurements) stored in a geographic information system.Modeling the territories of central Transylvanian prehistoric communities provides information about the division of space and possible land use strategies. The research is also based on the existing macro-regional palaeo-environmental data of Central North-Western Romania.We can state that the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age chiefdoms form peer polities controlling small territories along single or more valleys. Our approach represents the actual stage of research of the subject; the future field researches will bring new concluding evidence in this matter.

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Mediterranean between the middle and late Republican age were the main reasons for the Romans’ interest in the island sanctuary. At the same time, these important events were the means, through a deep rethinking and through forms of syncretism by which the cult

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Ascalone , E. ( 2022 ). Bronze Age weights from Mesopotamia, Iran and Greater Indus Valley . With a contribution from J. Taverner. Weight and value, 3. Wachholtz Verlag , Kiel and Hamburg . 277 pages. ISBN 978-3-529-0-3542-5 . The reader holds

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The author describes the late Copper Age finds that were recovered during the digging of a cellar at Vác, among them an amphora, which was decorated with a realistic cattle head. According to the ornaments and the shape, the vessel can be dated from the middle phase of the Boleráz group and it stands without analogues among the zoomorphic representations of the Baden culture. Its uniqueness underlines that it was prepared not with a profane purpose: it must have had a specific role, it perhaps contained corn offering. The cattle head representation is also linked with the important role the animal played in the life of the Baden population.

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A more globalized concept of culture and the tsunami of information made available by the digital revolution call for new reading practices. The emerging discipline of World Literature is an attempt to create such practice, but one that would seem to have very little place in it for the highly specialized skills that define philology, the closest of all close reading strategies. It is this tension that has sparked several calls for a “return to philology.” A historical overview of the Golden Age of classical philology in Germany (1777–1872) suggests that the skills that have defined the profession all over the globe from earliest times are still valuable, but in future can best be employed only in cooperation with scholars having other competencies.

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Archaeologiai Értesítő
Gyöngyi Kovács
Márton Rózsás

Ottoman-Turkish Castle at Barcs and its surroundings. New research, 1999–2009). In: Benkő E.-Kovács Gy. (szerk.): A középkor és a kora újkor régészete Magyarországon (Archaeology of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period in Hungary). II. Budapest, 621

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Romanian literature, the historical literature in Latin is an essential chapter in the history of Hungarian literature. 1 The image of Romanians in the Hungarian chronicle literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Romanians are an important feature

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Parkinson W.A. , Gyucha , A. , and Yerkes , R.W. (Eds.) ( 2021 ). Bikeri. Two Copper Age Villages on the Great Hungarian Plain , Vol. 46 . Monumenta Archeologica, The Cotsen Institute of Archeology Press at UCLA , Los Angeles , 422 pp

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