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Estimation of zinc and its bioavailability in wheat grains is a prerequisite for an effective biofortification program. The selected 65 bread wheat varieties are representative of indigenous and foreign genetic pools being used for genotype development at the Wheat Research Institute, Faisalabad (Pakistan). The main objectives of the study were: (i) to determine the variation in phytate and zinc concentrations in whole grains; (ii) to estimate the bioavailable zinc in wheat grains by using trivariate model of zinc absorption and phytate to zinc molar ratios ([phytate]:[zinc]); and (iii) to examine the interrelationship of bioavailable zinc with year of variety release. Average zinc in grains of wheat varieties was 29 μg g−1 and ranged from 24 to 36 μg g−1. Phytate in grains ranged from 7.1 to 11.1 mg g−1 resulting in a variation in [phytate]:[zinc] of 24 to 41. The estimated bioavailable zinc in grains ranged from 1.52 to 2.15 mg zinc for 300 g of wheat flour, indicating that only 21 ± 3% of grain zinc was actually bioavailable. Year of variety release in Punjab (Pakistan) had significant negative correlations with total (r = −0.70, n = 46, P < 0.001) and estimated bioavailable (r = −0.65, n = 46, P < 0.001) zinc in wheat grains. This demands for an effective breeding program with optimized agronomic approaches to restore and improve the bioavailable zinc in grains of cultivated bread wheat varieties for Pakistan.
This paper extends previous work for decision levels to detection limits. After transforming the net count to an integer, the probability density function for the transformed net count can be readily determined when the transformed net count is greater than zero. The right tail of the distribution is summed and the detection limit is determined to four decimal places. The code under discussion works well when the product of the ratio of the blank count time to the sample count time with the expected blank count in the sample count time is not greater than 100.0.
The development of stress drives a host of biological responses that include the overproduction of a family of proteins named heat shock proteins (HSPs), because they were initially studied after heat exposure. HSPs are evolutionarily preserved proteins with a high degree of interspecies homology. HSPs are intracellular proteins that also have extracellular expression. The primary role of HSPs is to protect cell function by preventing irreversible protein damage and facilitating molecular traffic through intracellular pathways. However, in addition to their chaperone role, HSPs are immunodominant molecules that stimulate natural as well as disease-related immune reactivity. The latter may be a consequence of molecular mimicry, generating cross-reactivity between human HSPs and the HSPs of infectious agents. Autoimmune reactivity driven by HSPs could also be the result of enhancement of the immune response to peptides generated during cellular injury and of their role in the delivery of peptides to the major histocompatibility complex in antigen-presenting cells. In humans, HSPs have been found to participate in the pathogenesis of a large number of diseases. This review is focused on the role of HSPs in atherosclerosis and essential hypertension.
Auroras observed visually during the July 1959 series of events are studied in this paper. Detailed investigation shows that the aurora of July 15/16 1959 was observed in the Northern hemisphere down to a latitude of 33\degree N and in the Southern hemisphere to 28°S. Morphologically nearly all auroral forms were observed, even at mid-latitudes. The July events including the auroral displays, can be attributed to extraordinary solar eruptions (class 3+).
Exceptional geomagnetic storms were observed in late August and early September 1859. Auroras were observed around the world, and telegraph wires were damaged. Until now, there has been no evidence published of auroral observations in Spain during this famous space weather event. This paper presents Spanish observations that show the aspect of this great aurora from Spain, and the concurrent effects on European telegraph wires. We also computed the variation of the geomagnetic declination in Spain during recent centuries to put these records into context.
The development of geomagnetic research in the 19th century is discussed in detail. Beginning with the Göttingen Magnetic Society (Gauss-Weber), scientific activity developed under von Humboldt's influence and reached a peak during the First International Polar Year (1882--1883). This was a broad international co-operation, for which new instruments were constructed and new aspects of the geomagnetic studies were opened, including solar-terrestrial physics (Sun -- aurora -- Earth's atmosphere).
Béla Bartók’s “On Hungarian Music,” one of his controversial articles published in 1911, is known for criticizing Géza Molnár’s book, Theory of Hungarian Music (1904). However, it has not been mentioned that Molnár himself replied to Bartók’s article in the next volume of Aurora [Dawn] magazine, using exactly the same title as Bartók’s. While Bartók asserted that true Hungarian music had never existed before, Molnár, a musicologist in Budapest, bitterly criticized Bartók’s assertions from an academic perspective. This controversy over Hungarian music published in Aurora seemed quite crucial for understanding and relativizing Bartók’s position at that time. The historian Mary Gluck explained that several intellectuals, including György Lukács and Béla Balázs, had to depend on the older generation, both financially and philosophically, during that period. Using Gluck’s framework, this paper examines the genesis of Bartók’s article and the connection between him and the intellectuals in 1911, as well as to interpret this controversy. In conclusion, the controversy with Molnár, and plausible “defeat” in the field of musicology could be added to his list of challenges and setbacks before 1912, the year that saw Bartók’s temporal exit from public musical life.
W Schröder ed.: The Einstein Century of Physics - The First Quarter (Collected papers by Hans-Jürgen Treder), Beitr. Gesch. Physik u. kosm. Physik, Science Ed., Bremen, Vol.\ 5, 2001, 52 pp; W Schröder ed.: Solar Variability and Geomagnetism. Beitr. Gesch. Geophysik u. kosm. Physik, Science Edition, Bremen/Potsdam, Vol. 3, No. 2, (and IAGA IDCH Newsletter, No. 44) 2002, 300 pp; W. Schröder ed.: Alte und neue Probleme der Physik und Geophysik. Beitr. Gesch. Geophysik u. kosm. Physik, Science Edition, Bremen/Potsdam, Vol. 4, No.1, (and IAGA IDCH Newsletter, No. 46), 2003, 160 pp; W. Schröder ed.: Leuchtende Nachtwolken/Noctilucent clouds. Beitr. Gesch. Geophysik u. kosm. Physik, Arbeitskreis Gesch. Geoph. u. kosm. Physik, Science Edition, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2003, 182 pp; W. Schröder ed.: Das Polarlicht (Hermann Fritz und die Polarlichtforschung)/The Aurora Borealis (Hermann Fritz and the Foundation of Auroral Research). Beitr. Gesch. Geophysik u. kosm. Physik, Arbeitskreis Gesch. Geoph. u. kosm. Physik, Science Edition, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2004, 60 pp;
kiindulópontjai . Auróra , 91 – 98 . Kolnai Aurél ( 1921 b). A liberális szocializmus társadalomtudományi kiindulópontjai . Auróra , 208 – 222
Zárt/nyitott – Városforma és térhasználat
Részletek a habilitációs értekezésből
Closed/open: Urban form and space use
Extracts from the habilitation thesis
. Műegyetemi Kiadó , Budapest 2004 . Mozas , Javier – Per , Aurora Fernández : Densidad/density: Nueva vivienda colectiva/New Collective Housing . A+t , Barcelona 2004