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Background and aims

The current study was designed to assess the impact of wins and losses in simulated blackjack on craving to gamble and to assess the extent to which this craving was associated with actual wagering in an optional gambling task.


Participants were undergraduates attending a large Midwestern university in the United States. They completed the Gambling Urge Scale (GUS) and then were randomized to either a condition in which they would win 15 hands of blackjack (Win condition; n = 41) or lose 15 hands (Lose condition; n = 37) out of a total of 20 hands. After playing blackjack and completing several additional questionnaires, participants had the chance to wager their $5 compensation for the opportunity to win $50.


GUS scores increased significantly following blackjack, regardless of condition. We also found that post-blackjack craving was significantly associated with the amount participants wagered in the optional betting task, such that greater craving was associated with higher amount wagered.


These findings provide further support for the construct validity of the GUS, provide novel findings regarding the effects of wins and losses when gambling, and provide evidence of an association between craving and a behavioral betting task.

Open access


For the first time a combination of B.E.T. gas adsorption method and neutron or photon activation analysis has been successfully applied to metal surfaces as well as to metal and ceramic powders (more than 50 cases). Increasing oxide film thickness was observed with increasing Al particle size. Speciation may be performed by the analysis of dehydratation. Even double-layers in the nanometer ranges may be specified. The method satisfactorily compares with TEM.

Restricted access

MTurk – we randomly selected the four items (α = 0.81) from the full scale. These items are as follows: “My choices or actions affect the game on which I am betting,” “I have a ‘lucky’ technique that I use when I gamble,” “There are certain things I do

Open access

Hedge funds are a controversial element of the global financial system, as their activities can affect countries’ economies to a great degree. Therefore, it is important to gain insight into their operation. The aim of the article is to give an overview of some legal aspects of hedge funds and starts with a definition of hedge funds, whilst also giving a historical overview of their genesis. The following parts outline the legal framework for hedge funds in the USA and the European Union. The conclusion is that regulation for hedge funds are flexible in spite of the reforms in the legal framework after the events of the financial crisis, which still makes them an attractive proposition for the ‘high society’ of investors.

Full access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Susana Jiménez-Murcia
Mónica Giménez
Roser Granero
Hibai López-González
Mónica Gómez-Peña
Laura Moragas
Isabel Baenas
Amparo Del Pino-Gutiérrez
Ester Codina
Teresa Mena-Moreno
Eduardo Valenciano-Mendoza
Bernat Mora-Maltas
Susana Valero-Solís
Sandra Rivas-Pérez
Elías Guillén-Guzmán
José M. Menchón
, and
Fernando Fernández-Aranda

to discontinue gambling, or relapse. The expansion of sports betting and gambling advertising during sport-related events is a relatively recent fact compared to other gambling activities. In Western regions (i.e., North America, Australia

Open access


Amadou Kourouma, auteur aux mots rares, mais cinglants vient nous surprendre encore une fois avec son humour rveiller un mort. Dans En attendant le vote des btes sauvages, on retrouve l'ombre d'un certain Hounphout Boigny, un Mobutu Sese Seko ou un Bokassa, un Hassan etc. ou encore frachement enterr un certain gnralissime dans le crime, Sanni Abacha et surtout l'ombre on ne peut plus envahissante d'un certain Eyadma, pour ne mentionner qu'un vivant parmi les morts, vestiges d'une dictature qui est loin de disparatre en Afrique. Le roman aux mille pripties retrace les aventures mirobolantes d'un assoiff de pouvoir et de sang de la pire espce dont le rgne est fait de terreur et de crimes indescriptibles dans une rpublique imaginaire du Golfe de Guine en Afrique Occidentale, la Rpublique du Golfe. Ce qui retient l'attention, et que cette communication cherche faire ressortir, c'est le processus de la mise en place de la dictature, ses motifs, ses ttes pensantes et les pratiques qui la soutiennent l'image des magouilles machiavliques, rpressions et assassinats politiques, le culte de la personnalit, la dilapidation des ressources de l'tat en passant par l'occultisme des fins politiques. Ce que cet article cherche davantage mettre en lumire, c'est la consquence nfaste la tte de la nation de toute personne en mal de lucidit ou de moralit ou souffrant de quelque complexe que ce soit. A l'cole de la dictature avec Amadou Kourouma, on dcouvre l'enttement jusqu'au boutiste et le nihilisme caractrisant le dictateur, son refus et rejet des institutions et verdicts lectoraux (le verdict des tres humains) avec la certitude que si les hommes refusent de le voter au pouvoir, les animaux sortiront de la jungle, se muniront de bulletins de vote et le plbisciteront. On se permettra de faire de temps autre une projection de la fiction sur le vcu afin de voir si l'crivain joue vraiment un rle dans la socit contemporaine.

Restricted access

Introduction With the rapid developments in digital technology over the last decade, esports viewership has become increasingly popular. Betting on these professional video-game competitions closely resembles

Open access

In this synopsis several mechanisms of natural resistance of plants to viral infections is outlined. Engineered resistance mechanisms are not treated in this article.

Restricted access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Alex M.T. Russell
Nerilee Hing
Gabrielle Maria Bryden
Hannah Thorne
Matthew J Rockloff
, and
Matthew Browne

containment measures have periodically curtailed the operation of land-based gambling venues and professional sporting events that attract large betting markets. In contrast, many forms of online gambling have remained accessible and may have attracted

Open access