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(498.8 m aBsl) between Băgău and Lopadea Nouă. 30 An exceptionally early charter from the time of King St. Stephen (1001–1038) reveals a lot about the formation of the early Árpádian village network

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-century charter features an “Onogur” toponym in Lower Austria. Based on the above, Gyula László concluded that the ancient Hungarians had actually conquered the Carpathian Basin twice: the first Hungarian-speaking population groups arrived to the Carpathian Basin

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ensemble also deserves mention as the legal predecessor of the Hungarian Heritage House according to its founding charter. 2 The Institute of Folk Art was founded in 1951 following the abolition in 1948 of the Hungarian People's Cultural Institute, which

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) Every year, photographs were taken of Berzence and its surroundings under different conditions ( Figs 24 and 25 ). Pál Engel and Tibor Koppány considered the 1444 charter referring to Demeter, the castellanus of Berzence, as the earliest source

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the trial. Therefore, global and regional international documents, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), European Union law, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and

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Holmes's seminal paper ( 1972 ), regarded as the founding charter of TS. However, one can readily agree with the author that intralingual translation in various historical contexts and its role in various languages and cultures should be devoted more

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Legende und Wirklichkeit •

Anmerkungen zu den frühesten Angaben zur Orgelgeschichte Siebenbürgens

Studia Musicologica
Pál Enyedi

Slowakei (Bratislava: Opus, 1982), 33. Digitalisiert; siehe < >, Signatur 283924 (abgerufen am 07. 02. 2022.) Urkundentext: [Nos comes Stephanus] Bubeek [iudex curie domini] Lodovici dei gratia re[gis Hungarie

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Régészeti adatok a tatárjárás történetéhez

Archaeological data to the history of the Mongol invasion of Hungary

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Mária Wolf

. Langó Péter 2006 Régészeti és okleveles adatok a Jászság 10–15. századi településtörténetéhez (Archaeological and charter data for the Jazygian settlemental history in the 10–15th

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only be granted by the monarch. In these circles, the most common method of acquiring noble status was, on the one hand, by a royal charter , which was accompanied by a land donation; or by a grant of arms patent, which did not come with an estate. The

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century ( Moldt 2003 :62–63). 6 Issued in 1224 by András II, the Andreanum , or Golden Charter, contained the following decree: “Si vero quocumque iudice remanserint, tantummodo iudicium consuetudinarium reddere teneantur, nec eos etiam aliquis ad

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