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the classifica-tion of endometrial hyperplasia J Clin Pathol 58 1 6 . 2. JPA Baak

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Orvosi Hetilap
Kristóf Hirschberg
László Entz
Gábor Szabó
, and
Béla Merkely

Hirschberg, K., Radovits, T., Loganathan, S. és mtsai: Selective phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition reduces neointimal hyperplasia in rat carotid arteries after surgical endarterectomy. J. Thorac. Cardiov. Surg., 2009, 137 , 1508

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gyakorlatban a 2007–2013 közötti időszakban.] Hyperton Nephrol. 2015; 19: 11–17. [Hungarian] 3 Lederman D, Lumerman H, Reuben S, et al. Gingival hyperplasia associated with nifedipine

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congenital adrenal hyperplasia disappeared after adjustment of glucocorticoid therapy. Intern. Med., 2010, 49 , 955–956. Shimizu A. Giant ovarian cyst in a woman with congenital adrenal

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Orvosi Hetilap
Péter Gergics
Judit Tőke
Ágnes Szilágyi
Ágnes Szappanos
Zoltán Kender
György Barta
Miklós Tóth
Péter Igaz
Károly Rácz
, and
Attila Patócs

patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Eur. J. Endocrinol., 2005, 153 , 99–106. Fekete G. Mutational spectrum of steroid 21-hydroxylase and the genotype-phenotype association

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Gyermekkori indolens lymphomák differenciáldiagnosztikája

Differential diagnostics of pediatric-type indolent lymphomas

Adrienn Burján
Dóra Nagy
László Kereskai
Béla Kajtár
, and
Livia Vida

zone hyperplasia. Am J Clin Pathol. 2004; 122: 98–109. 3 Quintanilla-Martinez L, Sander B, Chan JKC, et al. Indolent lymphomas in the pediatric

Open access

epidermal hyperplasias and papillomas have been found. Hyperplasias (1–3 mm thick) were found on the scales and papillomas (1–2 cm in diameter) at the base of the fins. They had a cauliflower-like appearance ( Barnes et al., 1993 ). Although viral particles

Open access

fibres ( Fig. 1 ). Hyperplasia and displacement of the respiratory epithelium were observed around the capsules. All the mites were alive and showed motility when extracted from the capsules. The prevalence of the mites ranged from 6.7 to 20%, and the

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Az alsó végtagi endovascularis verőér-beavatkozások során alkalmazott antithromboticus, antikoaguláns terápia szempontjai

Aspects of antithrombotic and anticoagulant therapies in patients undergoing endovascular procedures for lower extremity arterial disease

Orvosi Hetilap
Endre Kolossváry
Ildikó Szabó
Edit Dósa
Csaba Csobay-Novák
Katalin Farkas
, and
Zoltán Járai

–923. 13 Zain MA, Jamil RT, Siddiqui WJ. Neointimal hyperplasia. [Updated 2021 Aug 11.] In: StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island, FL, 2021 January. Available from

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Claudins are integral membrane proteins of the tight junction structures expressed by epithelial and endothelial cells. The present study has evaluated the expression of claudin-4 in 10 normal canine hepatoid glands and in 67 hepatoid glands with hyperplastic and neoplastic lesions. The lesions studied included normal hepatoid glands (n = 10), nodular hyperplasias (n = 10), adenomas (n = 12), epitheliomas (n = 15), differentiated carcinomas (n = 15) and anaplastic carcinomas (n = 15). There was an intensive expression of claudin-4 in normal canine hepatoid glands as well as in hyperplasias and adenomas. Claudin-4 was detected as a well-localised linear circumferential membranous staining pattern of epithelial cells (mature hepatoid cells) in normal hepatoid glands, perianal gland hyperplasias and adenomas. In nodular hyperplasia and adenoma, the reserve cells showed membrane positivity for the claudin-4 molecule. There was a weaker expression in hepatoid gland epitheliomas. In the epitheliomas, the basaloid reserve cells never expressed the claudin-4 molecule. The multiple small parts of epitheliomas in which the cells exhibited typical hepatoid features showed a well-localised linear circumferential membranous staining pattern for claudin-4. The numerical score for cellular expression of claudin-4 was higher in differentiated carcinomas than in epitheliomas, but moderately lower than in adenomas. The anaplastic, poorly differentiated hepatoid gland carcinomas showed an overexpression of claudin-4. These results suggest that low claudin-4 expression in epitheliomas is a molecular characteristic indicative of increasing cellular disorientation, detachment motility and invasion by tumour cells, and claudin-4 seems to be helpful in distinguishing undifferentiated carcinomas from differentiated carcinomas and epitheliomas of the hepatoid gland. In addition, claudin-4 can help distinguish epithelioma from differentiated carcinoma of the canine hepatoid gland.

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