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grading system beyond a general introduction, as explained in the introduction of this manuscript. Readers scored each of the four regions as described above to generate a composite score. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed using

Open access
Szuzina Fazekas
Bettina Katalin Budai
Róbert Stollmayer
Pál Novák Kaposi
, and
Viktor Bérczi

]. Author's contribution SzF – Conceptualization, Drafting of the manuscript, Preparing the Figures. BKB – Conceptualization, Drafting of the manuscript, Proofreading, Critical revision. RS – Drafting of the manuscript, Critical revision. PNK – Drafting of

Open access
Bettina Katalin Budai
Veronica Frank
Sonaz Shariati
Bence Fejér
Ambrus Tóth
Vince Orbán
Viktor Bérczi
, and
Pál Novák Kaposi

new field in radiology, further research is necessary before radiomics can be introduced into standard patient care. Authors' contributions BKB – Conceptualization, Data curation, Drafting of the manuscript, Preparing the Figures. VF

Open access
Judit Simon
Szilvia Herczeg
Sarolta Borzsák
Judit Csőre
Anna Sára Kardos
Gergely Mérges
Emese Zsarnóczay
Nándor Szegedi
Melinda Boussoussou
Borbála Vattay
Márton Kolossváry
Bálint Szilveszter
László Gellér
Béla Merkely
, and
Pál Maurovich-Horvat

. The authors of this manuscript declare no relationships with any companies whose products or services may be related to the subject matter of the article. Authors’ contribution All authors contributed to the study

Open access
Elias V. Wolf
Chiara Gnasso
U. Joseph Schoepf
Moritz C. Halfmann
Jim O'Doherty
Emese Zsarnoczay
Akos Varga-Szemes
Tilman Emrich
, and
Nicola Fink

-CT imaging protocols for PDS evaluation and to investigate its effects on the clinical decision-making process. Authors' contribution EVW, CG, MCH and TE designed the study, interpreted the study data and drafted the manuscript. NF and EZ performed data

Open access
Veronica Frank
Sonaz Shariati
Bettina Katalin Budai
Bence Fejér
Ambrus Tóth
Vince Orbán
Viktor Bérczi
, and
Pál Novák Kaposi

to disclose. Authors' contribution SS – Conceptualization, Drafting of the manuscript, Proofreading VF – Conceptualization, Drafting of the manuscript, Proofreading BKB – Drafting of the manuscript, Preparing the Figures BF – Data Curation, Drafting

Open access
György Jermendy
Márton Kolossváry
Ibolya Dudás
Ádám L. Jermendy
Alexisz Panajotu
Imre F. Suhai
Zsófia D. Drobni
Júlia Karády
Ádám D. Tárnoki
Dávid L. Tárnoki
Szilard Voros
Béla Merkely
, and
Pál Maurovich-Horvat

from the EASD (European Association from the Study of Diabetes) to György Jermendy, MD. Authors' contribution GJ, PMH conceived the study, GJ, ZDD drafted the manuscript, MK performed the statistical analysis, contributed to interpretation, ALJ, ZDD, AP

Open access

. Permissions Not required. Contribution All authors contributed equally to the final form of manuscript. Acknowledgement None. References

Open access

Guarantor of integrity of the entire study: BB; study concepts and design: BB; literature research: PN, BB; clinical studies: PN, BB; experimental studies and data analysis: PN, BB; statistical analysis: PN, BB; manuscript preparation: PN, BB; manuscript

Open access
Takashi Abe
Vickie Wong
Zachary W. Bell
Robert W. Spitz
Scott J. Dankel
, and
Jeremy P. Loenneke

Conceived and designed the study: TA, VW, ZWB, RWS, SJD, and JPL. Performed the data collection: TA. Analyzed the data: TA, SJD, and JPL. Wrote the manuscript: TA. Reviewed and critically revised the manuscript: VW, ZWB, RWS, SJD, and JPL. All authors

Open access