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good motivation to find a new technique to solve multivariable control problems. In the present time, many researchers show different control techniques to solve these problems. The main control techniques that are used with the four-tank system are

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effect model There is a digital divide in the effects of changes in factors, skewed and returns to scale of heterogeneous industries Nguyen et al. (2023) 2019 206 Dutch companies Digital proactivity, Motivation, Organizational flexibility OLS regression

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from the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of explicit full time-dependent flow field. The main motivation of this approach is related to the fact that, in most CFD applications, knowing how turbulence affects the mean flow is enough and no real need

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Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Limited Liability Partnership as one of the best ‘localized’ overseas design companies in China, has participated in more than ten large-scale urban design projects in Wuhan, which has greatly changed the urban image and architectural style of Wuhan. Its space model of ‘grid road system + high-rise building’ replaces the traditional urban pattern of ‘street + residence’, causing huge cultural conflicts and historical rupture. Based on the planning of Wuhan Hanzheng street as an example, this paper attempts to uncover the cause of formation, the motivation mechanism of ‘grid road system + high-rise buildings’ space model, and to explore how Chinese cities realize the urban modernization with Chinese characteristics.

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In this paper an actual problem increasing of efficiency of manufacturing systems of machine building is described. It is based on he original approach to the technical-economic analysis of manufacturing systems of machine building. By the reason of moral and physical diligence a park of equipment the automation level of manufacturing systems in Russian enterprises is highly low. This situation make the enterprises get up the task of development of programs of technical advances of their own manufacturing systems. Such functioning is required in the scientific motivation. To validly develop the structure-strategy of technical advances of enterprise it is necessary to be based on technical-economic analysis of condition and operation each structured element manufacturing system.

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Integrating modern information and communication technologies into the process of learning and teaching is a serious challenge in today’s higher education. One of its important tools is internet-based distance education and an e-learning framework.The article defines e-learning, internet-based distance education, blended learning, L(C)MS terms, then describes the institutional introduction of the ILIAS e-learning framework at Dennis Gabor College, its tailoring and experiments of running ILIAS in the past two years.The role of studying style, studying strategy and motivation in blended learning is described and the possibilities of validating individual study strategies within the present LCMS-s and experiences with ILIAS.Finally it emphasizes the necessity of further research and development to realize an adaptive L(C)MS.

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A firenzei Santa Maria del Fiore építőmesterei évtizedeken keresztül minden év elején megfogadták, hogy felépítik Arnolfo di Cambio mester tervét. Egyikük sem akarta megváltoztatni. Brunelleschi is erre vállalkozott, és munkája közben csodálatos, addig soha nem látott, új építőgépeket és kupolaszerkezetet talált fel, hogy vállalását teljesítse. Kupoláját – bár megtehette volna, hiszen mindenkinél jobban értett a perspektívához –, nem festette meg előre, hanem bejárható modellt épített. Az épületeket, építményeket az idők során, ma is valóságos helyeken, valóságos anyagokból építjük fel különböző szerszámaink eszközeink segítségével, az építészet ma sem választható el ettől a szép és összetett folyamattól. Hét szó. Struktúra, textúra faktúra, anyagszerűség, digitális, technika, építészet. Az előadás a gyakorló építész szemével próbálja értelmezni a témában e hét szó társításával körvonalazott kérdéseket, kicsit az aktuális szövegeken innen és túl. Innen, mert e szövegek szembesítését az érzékivel mindig a megoldást kereső gyakorlat kényszeríti ki, túl, mert e gyakorlat emberi miértjére csak az aktuális szövegeken túl, a gondolkodás hagyományában lehet választ keresni.

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provides an opportunity for in-depth analysis of the impact of the creative market model on rural development in this study. 2.3 Research motivation Despite extensive research on the successful experiences of the creative market model in urban environments

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Average annual flow Q 1 Q 20 Q 100 km 2 m 3 .s −1 m 3 .s −1 m 3 .s −1 m 3 .s −1 Ondava-Horovce 2,883 21.3 240 620 830 Motivation for starting to investigate the run-off conditions on the lower part of the Ondava River were floods, which occurred in year

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boundaries images in objects detections or dealing with medical images to diagnosing tumors, and other fields might researchers find the proposed dataset is useful for their applications. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. 2 Motivation The

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