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A „virtuális”, „virtualitás” fogalmának jelentései. „Virtuális valóság” alkalmazások az iparban, kibertér a mindennapi életben az internet révén. A virtualitás tágabb értelmezése: digitális tömegmédia, internet, web 2.0. A tér és az idő relativizálódása, globalizáció, „új gazdaság”, hálózati társadalom. A munka és a szervezetek világának átalakulása: rugalmasság, a foglalkoztatás új formái, „portfólió vállalat”. A virtuális együttműködés kulcsfontosságú sikertényezői: az infokommunikációs technika megfelelő használata, bizalom a teamtagok és vezetőjük között, a kulturális különbségek áthidalása. A távolból irányító vezető előtt álló kihívások: erőforrások biztosítása, a célok teljesítésén alapuló kontrollmechanizmus kiépítése, motiválás és a csoportdinamikai problémák (pl. személyközi konfliktusok) kezelése. Folyamatosság és megszakítottság a vezetési funkciókban és a vezetői szerepekben, összehasonlítva a hagyományos menedzsmentet a virtuálissal.

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1 Introduction This paper describes and analyzes the clausal organization of Tuparí, an indigenous Amazonian language spoken by approximately 350 people in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. We focus on several interrelated issues in Tuparí syntax

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Laughlin, R. (1987): Accounting systems in organisational contexts: A case for critical theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society 12(5): 479-502. Accounting systems in organisational contexts: A case for critical theory

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References Ahmad , N. and Oranye , N.O. ( 2010 ). Empowerment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment: a comparative analysis of nurses working in Malaysia and

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Work addiction: An organizational behavior as well as an addictive behavior?

Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Oren Lior
Reizer Abira
, and
Weinstein Aviv

(measurement interval = 7 months), workaholism was related to increase in ill health ( Shimazu, Schaufeli, Kubota, & Kawakami, 2012 ). Interestingly, in organizations, workaholism was positively associated with health-related absences ( Falco et al., 2013

Open access

References Abebe , M.A . and Angriawan , A. ( 2014 ). Organizational and competitive influences of exploration and exploitation activities in small firms . Journal of

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society and standards of living. However, scientific knowledge itself has attracted less attention than its outcomes. A better understanding of the organization and evolution of scientific knowledge can accelerate future advances. This study contributes to

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occupational conditions and organizational features play an important role in developing burnout syndrome. The symptoms of teacher burnout affect not only the individual and close colleagues, but also influence the behavior of students. Studies show

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This paper addresses scientists’ behaviour regarding the patenting of knowledge produced in universities and other public sector research organisations (PSROs). Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in patenting and licensing activities by PSROs. We argue that the whole process depends to a certain extent on scientists’ willingness to disclose their inventions. Given this assumption, we conduct research into individual behaviour in order to understand scientists’ views concerning the patenting of their research results. Data from a questionnaire survey of Portuguese researchers from nine PSROs in life sciences and biotechnology is presented and analysed and complemented with in-depth interviews. The results reveal that overall the scientists surveyed show a low propensity to become involved in patenting and licensing activities, despite the fact that the majority had no “ethical” objections to the disclosure of their inventions and the commercial exploitation of these. Perceptions about the impacts of these activities on certain fundamental aspects of knowledge production and dissemination are however divergent. This may account for the low participation levels. Furthermore, most scientists perceived the personal benefits deriving from this type of activity to be low. Similarly, the majority also believed that there are many difficulties associated with the patenting process and that they receive limited support from their organisations, which lack the proper competences and structures to assist with patenting and licensing.

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Society and Economy
Lilla Hortoványi
Roland Zs. Szabó
, and
Roland Zs. Szabó

This paper focuses on the role of social ties in the knowledge flow within an organization from an interpersonal network perspective. In our theoretical study we identified four types of learning - Collaborative, Cooperative, Constrained and Competitive learning - based on the social connections between people or groups of people. Since human relationships tend to instable over time we also proposed a network learning cycle model that draws attention to the influence of social structures. We propose that the motivation of actors to share knowledge is dependent on network structure, cognition, and interpersonal relations.

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