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, and van der Vaart (2017) argue, it is linked to institutional strategies and embedded in the structural and organizational context of teaching and learning, which inevitably also falls under the umbrella of university administration and management

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four dimensions, a great amount of emphasis was placed on the “interpersonal and organizational knowledge” during the implementation of the Master Programmes (NOIR+, Kovács, 2015 , p. 334), in harmony with the NOIR+ strategy that provided its

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examples from their own experience. While working as consultants for a multinational organisation (in Mongolia and China), they were affected by the pandemic. The only way they could keep in touch with the authors of the forthcoming book was online. They

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relatively easy to collect, and they have been used by organizations such as the OECD, the World Bank or by the European Commission. Also various benchmarking exercises including for example the European Innovation Scoreboard 1 have been using input and

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-, meso-, and exosystems and “any belief systems or ideology underlying such consistencies” ( Bronfenbrenner, 1981 , p. 258; see also Bronfenbrenner, 1993 ). Separately, organizational learning scholars developed a multilevel model that also uses micro

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industry-training) of 1919, the government, under pressure of the societal demand for the right of education, took a more leading role in the organisation of vocational education. Still however, there was room for private initiatives and the establishment

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organisation ( Brown, 2012 ; Little, 2015 ). Having enhancement of teaching quality as their primary raison d’être many Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs) also need to work at many levels in the organisation. This multi-level focus is a rather new

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the continuous focus on how academic development can support different organisational challenges that the universities are facing, often brought on by national reforms in higher education ( Gosling, 1996 ; Havnes & Stensaker, 2006 ; Stensaker, van

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Introduction The role and importance of workplace learning has increased in recent decades, because the ability of organisations to adapt quickly to the ever-changing circumstances around them has become crucial in a competitive market. The pandemic

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and organizational practices – originating from interaction of employees” ( Høyrup, 2012 , p. 8). It can be a process that is not planned or intentional but happened serendipitously, or one that is initiated, developed and implemented by employees; it

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