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Boldogság tényezők a pedagógusok munkájában

Happiness factors in the work of educators

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Ágota Kun
Anett Szabó

. ( 1989 ). Using job involvement and organizational commitment interactively to predict turnover . Journal of Management , 15 ( 1 ), 115 – 127 . Borg , M. G. , & Riding , R. J

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Society and Economy
Srdana Táborosi
Jelena Rajković Avdija
Jasmina Poštin
Edit Terek Stojanović
Nemanja Berber
, and
Milan Nikolić

is logical that the Big Five personality traits have significance in the study of job satisfaction ( Ghetta et al. 2020 ). The influence of the Big Five personality traits on job satisfaction and organizational commitment has been confirmed in

Open access

Segítő foglalkozású szakemberek jólléte a COVID-19 járvány első hullámában – A vitális kimerültség többtényezős vizsgálata

The helping professionals’ subjective well-being during the first wave of COVID-19: A cross-sectional study of vital exhaustion

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Gábor Pál Török
Bernadett Asztalos
Máté Joób
Timea Tésenyi
Ildikó Danis
, and
Attila Pilinszki

. ( 2019 ). Retaining social workers: The role of quality of work and psychosocial safety climate for work engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment . Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance , 43 ( 1 ), 1 – 15

Open access

Tehetség a munkahelyen 2. A tehetségmenedzsment gyakorlati szempontjai

Talent at Work 2. Practical Aspects of Talent Management

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Dóra Klajkó
Szilvia Kázmér-Mayer
Nikoletta Fejes
Gyöngyvér Csapó
Bonnie Bakurecz
, and
Andrea Czibor

management: satisfaction/motivation and organizational commitment as mediators . The International Journal of Human Resource Management , 27 ( 16 ). 10.1080/09585192.2015.1075572 Kossek , E. E ., & Lee , M. D . ( 2008 ). Implementing a reduced

Open access

Tehetség a munkahelyen 1. A tehetség elméleti megközelítése munkahelyi kontextusban

Talent at Work 1. A Theoretical Approach to Talent in a Workplace Context

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Dóra Klajkó
Bonnie Bakurecz
Gyöngyvér Csapó
Nikoletta Fejes
Szilvia Kázmér-Mayer
, and
Andrea Czibor

management: satisfaction/motivation and organizational commitment as mediators . The International Journal of Human Resource Management , 27 ( 16 ). DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2015.1075572 Lengnick-Hall , M. L ., & Andrade , L. S . ( 2008 ). Talent staffing

Open access

Seeing the forest through different trees: A social psychological perspective of work addiction

Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
István Tóth-Király
Beáta Bőthe
, and
Gábor Orosz

?” or “Why would I work hard?” ( Gagné & Deci, 2005 ; Gagné et al., 2015 ). Previous studies highlighted the influential role of work motivations in relation to burnout ( Fernet, Gagné, & Austin, 2010 ), organizational commitment ( Howard, Gagné, Morin

Open access

„Én már hamu vagyok?” Kiégéskörkép – fókuszban a tanárok helyzetével

“Am I just ashes now?” Burnout landscape – focusing on teachers’ perspective

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Réka Szigeti
Noémi Balázs
, and
Róbert Urbán

, C ., Kim , M ., & Lee , J . ( 2010 ). The effects of a month-long sabbatical program on helping professionals of nonprofit human service organizations in South Korea: Burnout, ge-neral health, organizational commitment, and the sense of well

Open access
Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam
Mohammad Hasanzadeh
, and
Zainab Ghayoori

, job autonomy, task identity, personal importance, achievement motivation, organizational climate, organizational commitment, job involvement, job satisfaction, organizational stress, and Job stress. It is notable that some studies like Hedjazi and

Restricted access

A Munkakörformálás (Job Crafting) Skála magyar változata

Adapting the Job Crafting Scale to Hungarian

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Dóra Gál
Georgina Csordás

. Journal of Occupational Health , 58 ( 3 ), 231 – 240 . Field , L. K. , & Buitendach , J. H. ( 2011 ). Happiness, work engagement and organisational commitment of support staff at a tertiary education institution in South Africa . SA Journal of

Open access

): Employee Participation in Decision Making, Psychological Ownership and Knowledge Sharing: Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in Taiwanese High-Tech Organizations . International Journal of Human Resource Management 21 ( 12 ): 2218 – 2233

Open access