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, closing schools and certain businesses. New social distancing rules had also affected the way people spend their time. Three channels were particularly profound. First, due to the pandemic, minor and major layoffs, furloughs, and shorter work hours reduced
the pandemic in Africa, lockdown regulations have included a ban on the sale and purchase of alcohol (instituted on 27 March, repealed on 1 June, reinstated on 12 July and lifted on 17 August 2020) and cigarettes (from 27 March to 17 August 2020
Az elsősegélynyújtási attitűd változása a COVID–19-járvány idején
Changes of first-aid attitude during the COVID–19 pandemic
References 1 Worldometer. COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Last update: 10 February, 2021. Available from: https
Online pornography use has become prevalent worldwide ( Luscombe, 2016 ). The Pornhub website reported over 42 billion visits during 2019, averaging 115 million visits daily ( Pornhub, 2019 ). During the COVID-19 pandemic, rapid changes have
Pandémia és különleges jogrend Magyarországon
Pandemic and law of emergency in Hungary
Cypriot handling of the pandemic. Verfassungsblog 2021. 03. 02. [Letöltve: 2021. 07. 12
Akut appendicitis kivizsgálásának és kezelésének összehasonlítása sebészeti osztályunkon a COVID–19-pandémia előtti időszak és a pandémia III. hulláma alatt
Comparison of the investigation and treatment of acute appendicitis in our surgical department during the pre-pandemic period of COVID-19 and in the III. pandemic wave
. Finkelstein P , A retrospective analysis of the trends in acute appendicitis during the COVID–19 pandemic . J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2021 Mar ; 31 ( 3
Változó éghajlat, változó környezet, változó kórokozók. Meddig tart a járványok kora?
Changing climate, changing environment, changing pathogens. How long will the era of pandemics last?
., Kurucz, K., León-Règagnon, V., Mejía-Madrid, H. H. Molnár, O., Nisbett, R. A., Preiser, W., Stuart, M., Szathmary, E. & Trivellone, V. (2020) Before the Pandemic Ends: Making Sure This Never Happens Again. World
Tápcsatornai endoszkópos eljárásokkal összefüggő infekciós kockázat a SARS-CoV-2-járvány idején.
Országos szintű, keresztmetszeti kérdőíves vizsgálat
Infection risk related to gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Results from a nation-wide, cross-sectional questionnaire
References 1 Cucinotta D, Vanelli M. WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. Acta Biomed. 2020; 91: 157–160. 2
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of prosperity for the global video gaming industry, as millions of people turned to gaming for reasons including social connection, mental stimulation, and coping with stress ( King et al., 2020
Az új típusú koronavírus okozta megbetegedés (COVID–19): összefoglaló hematológusoknak II. – a diagnosztika, terápia és prevenció lehetőségei
The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a review for specialists in hematology II – aspects of diagnosis, therapy and prevention
Irodalom 1 Szabó B. In the middle of a new pandemic – what we know about COVID-19. [Egy új világjárvány közepén – amit eddig a COVID–19-ről tudni