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the authorities and social organisations, and the low number of applicants, the organising committee extended the deadline for applications until 28 September. (Moreover, applications were accepted even after this deadline. 32 ) In the last days of

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relics of the social organization, administrative history, ownership history, and settlement ethnography of the Szeklers' past. References Bárth , János 2007 Az eleven székely tizes. A csíkszentgyörgyi és a csíkbánkfalvi tizesek működése a XVII

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centers, but participated in their day-to-day maintenance and operation (by providing teachers and communal kitchen vouchers) only if the local social organizations were unable to do so on their own. 20 In February 1903, the committee for daycare centers

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of life, low income, job shortages, and poverty. These processes are even more pronounced in rural areas ( INCCV 2017 ). The social organization decisions made in Romania after 1989 have led to the deterioration of Romanian society. In

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“An Era More than Bleak”

György Ligeti and Ferenc Farkas in the 1940s

Studia Musicologica
Lóránt Péteri

-Stalinization,” emphasize the transitory nature of the epoch between the end of the war and the open communist takeover of 1948. 9 In his political orientation before 1945, Ferenc Farkas greatly relied on social organizations based on the ideologies of Hungarian racial

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the promotion of industrial education. Social organizations, cottage industry associations, committees, and industrial workshops were formed throughout the country, their operations coordinated by the inspectors of the Ministry of Industry ( Lackner

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inheritance, in order to defend family property, in which women acquired important new rights. They reflect a social organisation based on land ownership and trade, but also reveal an advanced state of Christianisation and full integration with the Romano

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this weapon ( Gaereholdus ). 184 The second, Dructacharius , 185 offers a clue for the social organization of the successful Frankish warrior culture; for, it has ‘warrior-band’ (Gm. *druhti- f. ‘host, retinue (of a prince)’ 186 [< *dreugan

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industry when discussing each era. Between 1875 and 1889, the development of the cottage industry was intertwined with the task of vocational education. Social organizations and industrial workshops were established throughout the country, the operation of

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7. századi temetkezések Békés vármegyéből – Adatok a Tiszántúl avar kori lószerszámos temetkezéseihez

7th century graves from Békés County (SE-Hungary): Data for Avar-age burials with horse harness from the Trans-Tisza region

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Csilla Balogh
András Gulyás
, and
Gábor Lőrinczy

, A. , Kovacsóczy , B. , M. Lezsák , G. , Lőrinczy , G. , Szécsényi-Nagy , A. , és Vida , T. ( 2020 ). Genetic insights into the social organisation of the Avar period elite in the 7th century AD Carpathian Basin . Scientific Report , 10

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