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based on class level in an exploratory model of college student dropout syndrome . American Educational Research Journal , 22 ( 1 ), 35 – 64 . doi: 10.3102/00028312022001035 Bean , J
, 2022 ; Tang & He, 2023 ). Student engagement is another crucial factor for boosting student motivation, fostering active participation, and improving overall performance in school activities. Understanding the causes behind student dropouts is
empirical literature . Review of Economic Perspectives , 14 ( 1 ), 3 – 15 . Bean , J. P. ( 1985 ). Interaction effects based on class level in an explanatory model of college student dropout syndrome . American Educational Research Journal , 22 ( 2
Faktorok, magyarázatok a sikeres és sikertelen felsőoktatási tanulmányok hátterében •
A pszichológiai tényezők szerepe a lemorzsolódásban
Factors and Explanations of Successful and Unsuccessful Academic Performance in Higher Education
). Relevance of mental health issues in university student dropouts . Occupational Medicine , 63 , 410 – 414 . Terenzini , P. T ., & Pascarella , E. T . ( 1980 ). Toward a validation of Tinto’s model of college student attrition: a