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case of psychedelic experience. Viveiros de Castro is aware of these terminological difficulties. In an interview, he said They use very material technology of imagination, which is Ayahuasca. It modifies your consciousness. What they

Open access

entrepreneurs and tech workers using psychedelics as catalysts for innovation in business and technology (e.g. Meister, Oppegaard, Grotefeld, & Bouquet, 2022 ; Rosenkrantz, 2022 ). As Tvorun-Dunn (2022 , p. 2.) observed, much of this exploration has occurred

Open access

from Mas Castellar de Pontós. Specifically, Muraresku's revelations afford Ruck the satisfaction, albeit belatedly, of seeing the conclusions of The Road to Eleusis scientifically validated through archaeochemistry whose analytic technologies were not

Open access

Technologies ( , Calgary, Canada). The Rat Cytokine/Chemokine 27-Plex Discovery Assay® Array (RD27) was used on all samples. This assay measures the following biomarkers in rat serum: Eotaxin, EGF, Fractalkine, IFNγ, IL-1α, IL-1

Open access

traditions. In analyzing these initiations, he proposes they function as technologies for interrupting old behavioral patterns and enhancing awareness in ways that facilitate self-inquiry and growth. Snu Voogelbreinder discusses the use of dozens of

Open access

hallucinated content emerges from a pre-existing interference pattern) that are typically surrounded by visions of hyperadvanced technology, environments, semantic networks, and linguistic systems ( Emilsson, 2016b ; Gallimore, 2013 : 475–476; Kent, 2010 : 90

Open access

practice. The distinction between psychedelics used as technologies for the exploration of individual consciousness and their therapeutic or clinical application, is a crucial categorical distinction which at times seems to become blurred within Hauskeller

Open access

bay, research environment, or high-technology room. The highly intelligent beings of this “other” world are interested in the subject, seemingly ready for his or her arrival and waste no time in “getting to work” … Their “business” appeared to be

Open access

-Harris , R. L. , Wagner , A. C. , Agrawal , M. , Kettner , H. , Rosenbaum , J. F. , Gazzaley , A. , … Erritzoe , D. ( 2022 ). Can pragmatic research, real-world data and digital technologies aid the development of psychedelic medicine? Journal

Open access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Dusty Rose Miller
Jordan Taylor Jacobs
Alan Rockefeller
Harte Singer
Ian M. Bollinger
James Conway
Jason C. Slot
, and
David E. Cliffel

confirmed using a 2% agarose gel stained with GelRed® and DNA purity was checked with Nanodrop 6000 (Thermo Fisher). The gDNA generated was sent to Novogene, Inc (Novogene, Sacramento, CA, USA) where both Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and Illumina

Open access