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Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
E. Oberzaucher
S. Katina
S. F. Schmehl
I. J. Holzleitner
I. Mehu-Blantar
, and
K. Grammer

I. Dinstein 1973 Textural features for image classification IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. SMC 3 6 610 621

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. ( 2002 ): Food texture and viscosity: concept and measurement . Academic Press, London, San Diego. 427 pages. H ARKER , F. , M AINDONALD , J. , M URRAY , S. , G UNSON , F. , H

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.N. (2009): Texture and rheology in food and health. Food Sci. Technol. Res. , 15 , 99–106. Nishinari K.N. Texture and rheology in food and health Food Sci

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A new objective texture test method was developed and compared with the goose liver manual grading system. The whole fatty goose livers were purchased from Bábolna Holdings and were examined at two stages: in the preliminary test three times 3 pieces were taken, while in the main test five times 22 pieces. All of them were examined both at a pre-cooled stage and after a 24-hour storage on ice. The texture analyses were made by QTS 25 texture test system immediately after the manual grading. A special probe with three needles was developed for the Texture Analyser. Most of the texture parameters correlated significantly with the liver grades, as shown by statistical evaluation of the data. The best quality assessment was made by a binary equation where the hardness value and the mass of the product were the independent variables.

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The objectives of this study were to monitor the changes in textural parameters of Trappist cheese during ripening and shelf-life, and to find correlation between the changes in instrumental texture parameters and the age or sensory properties of the product. The textural parameters of Trappist samples of 5 different manufacturing processes were determined with a QTS 25 Texture Profile Analyser. In addition to the mechanical tests, composition analyses and sensory tests were also conducted. The empirical values from the mechanical tests were evaluated with statistical methods (single-valued and multivariate analysis). The age and the quality of the product can be estimated from the textural parameters despite the inhomogeneity of the samples that is due to the manufacturing processes.

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The objectives of this study were to monitor the changes in texture parameters of Hajdú cheese during ripening and shelf-life, and to determine the correlations between the changes in instrumental texture parameters and the age or sensory properties of the product. The mechanical parameters of Hajdú cheese samples made by 5 different manufacturing processes were determined with a QTS 25 Texture Profile Analyser. In addition to mechanical tests, composition analyses and sensory tests were performed. The empirical results of the mechanical tests were evaluated with statistical methods (single-valued and multivariate analysis). The age of the product can be estimated from the texture parameters and processed data as well, despite the sample inhomogeneity, which is due to the manufacturing processes.

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investigation of vegetation texture and structure. In: M.J.A. Werger (ed.), The Study of Vegetation. Junk, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 123-160. The investigation of vegetation texture and structure

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The texture changes during the initial phase of blanching of potatoes, carrots and green peas at different blanching times (0–240 s) and temperatures (85 °C, 95 °C, 100 °C) were investigated. The breaking force (N) was determined by compression or Back extrusion tests with an Instron texture tester. Electronmicroscopic studies (SEM) were made to support the interpretation of the results.For each vegetable several sections of changes of the breaking force (lnF) were identified. For potatoes a three phase change of the breaking force by all temperatures (85 °C, 95 °C, 100 °C) was observed. In the first of the 3 different observed stages of potato blanching the breaking forces increased with time (0–40 s). In the second and third stage of the blanching process of potato a linear relationship was found between the logarithm of the breaking force and the blanching time. The second phase observed was faster (40–160 s) than the consecutive slower third phase (160–240 s).For green peas the change of the breaking force (lnF) can be described by two consecutive first rate reactions. A faster decreasing period between 0–25 s was followed by a slower decreasing one between 70–140 s. Between the first and second stage of the blanching process there was an initial lag period (25–70 s), which will not be described here. In the period after 140 s, there was not any change, this period is constant.For carrots the fastest change can be observed at 100 °C compared to the results at 85 and 95 °C. A three-phase curve was observed as well. An initial lag period (0–90 s) was followed by a faster (90–190 s) and a slower (190–240 s) decreasing one. In the second and third stage of the blanching process of carrots a linear relationship was found. For the changes of the breaking force (lnF) a kinetical approach was applied, reaction rate constants and apparent activation energies were calculated. The kinetical approach helps to compare and forecast changes at different process conditions.

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
István Dalmadi
Dávid Kántor
Kai Wolz
Katalin Polyák-Fehér
Klára Pásztor-Huszár
József Farkas
, and
András Fekete

High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing technology offers the possibility to preserve quality attributes. Objective test methods describing quality in a complex form have an important role in the development of new products and in the quality assurance of different technologies. Therefore, research was performed to compare the effects of HHP treatment and heat pasteurization on visual appearance, volatile composition, taste and texture properties of strawberry purees measured by sensorial and objective methods. Sensory evaluation did not show significant differences between samples. Similar result was obtained from the color measurements. Viscosity of purees changed only slightly as a result of the treatments. Electronic nose and electronic tongue were found to be promising tools for discrimination of strawberry purees treated by different levels of high hydrostatic pressure or thermal treatment. Canonical discriminant analysis showed that control and “600 MPa for 5 minutes” samples were quite similar. Samples treated by 600 MPa for 15 minutes were distinguished from the above mentioned ones. The heat treated samples (80°C for 5 and 15 minutes) were definitely separated from the control samples. Fusion of the data from the electronic nose and tongue showed the same trend and improved the classification of the treated puree samples.

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Formation and rheological properties of mixed protein-polysaccharide gels (composites) was studied. The composites consisted of whey proteins gelling separately, which were surrounded by polysaccharide gel. The polysaccharide gels were obtained from κ-carrageenan and κ-carrageenan-galactomannan (guar gum and locust bean gum) mixtures. The texture of gels obtained was examined by their compression and bending test. The composite gels obtained from 14% WPI solution and the 1.5% mixture of κ-carrageenan with locust bean gum in a 1:1 ratio exhibited a higher shear stress value at fracture in comparison to WPI gels, but they were less resistant to fracture in the bending test. The texture of gels was highly influenced by pH.

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