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the Pannonian Basin with diverse sedimentary environments ( Lučić et al. 2001 ) at the onset of marine transgression during the Middle Badenian ( Ćorić et al. 2009 ). In the well Tek-1, the Vukovar formation is represented by a mixed section of coarse
., BOULIS , S. N . , 2012 . Glauconites from the Bahariya Oasis: an evidence for Cenomanian marine transgression in Egypt . Journal of African Earth Sciences . 70 . 1 – 7 . BAIOUMY , H. M ., BOULIS , S. N ., HASSAN , M. S . , 2012 . Occurrences
2004 : Roggendorf-1 borehole, a key section for lower Badenian transgressions and the stratigraphic position of the Grund Formation (Molasse Basin, Lower Austria) . – Geologica Carpatica , 55 , pp. 165 – 178
Permian–Early Triassic transgression and is characterized by the evolution of carbonate platforms and basins during the Middle and Late Triassic. The deposits are hosted by tectonically disturbed and metasomatized sedimentary rocks, situated in the Darnó
continuous sedimentation from the Eocene to the Miocene with numerous subsequent transgressive and regressive cycles ( Benedek 2009 ). The Eocene strata everywhere overlie the strongly deformed Mesozoic structures with an angular unconformity and variable