Search Results
. D. , King , D. L. , & Demetrovics , Z. ( 2014 ). DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder needs a unified approach to assessment . Neuropsychiatry, 4 ( 1 ), 1 – 4 . doi: 10.2217/npy.13.82 10.2217/npy.13
Disorders due to addictive behaviors: Further issues, debates, and controversies •
Commentary to the debate: “Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11”
. , Pontes , H. M. , & Griffiths , M. D. ( 2018 ). Neurobiological correlates in internet gaming disorder: A systematic review . Frontiers in Psychiatry
-substance-related behavioral addictions (e.g., gambling disorder (GD), internet gaming disorder; Antons, Brand, & Potenza, 2020 ). In this regard, GD was the only behavioral addiction reflecting enough evidence to be included in the chapter on substance-related and addictive
Introduction Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), which refers to psychological distress caused by uncontrolled Internet and video gaming, has recently been included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
). Internet Gaming Disorder in male and female young adults: The role of alexithymia, depression, anxiety and gaming type . Psychiatry Research , 272 , 521 – 530 . . Boursier , V. , Gioia , F. , Musetti
Psychiatric Association ( 2013 ). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders ( 5th ed. ). Washington, DC : Author . Argyriou , E. , Davison , C. B. , & Lee , T. T. C. ( 2017 ). Response inhibition and internet gaming disorder: A meta
platforms, and we did not assess internet gaming disorder. Therefore, future research that includes additional measures of these disorders, as well as other relevant dimensions (e.g., personality traits, see Meshi, Turel, & Henley, 2020 ), will be better
). Impaired disengagement of attention from computer-related stimuli in Internet Gaming Disorder: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence . Journal of Behavioral Addictions , 10 ( 1 ), 77 – 87 . . He , J
. , & Griffiths , M. D. ( 2016 ). Internet gaming disorder among Slovenian primary schoolchildren: Findings from a nationally representative sample of adolescents . Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 5 ( 2 ), 304 – 310 . doi: 10
psychiatric conditions such as gambling disorder or Internet gaming disorder ( Billieux, Schimmenti, Khazaal, Maurage, & Heeren, 2015 ). This current trend finds its roots in the fact that symptoms constituting a hallmark of addictive behaviors have been