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Fourth Crusade: The Greek Rump States and the Recovery of Byzantium. In: The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire . Ed. J. Shephard. New York (2008) 731–758, illetve D. Jacoby: After the Fourth Crusade: The Latin Empire of Constantinople and the
, Pannonii . Greek Romei do not really apply, since this region was never a part of Byzantine Empire long enough (probably roughly between 540s560s) for the people to adopt this identity. Even in cases of longer rule people sometimes never adopted the
Az avar centrum és a bizánci periféria •
Mediterráneumi eredetű alakos motívumok a késő avar díszítőművészetben a Kr. u. 8. században
The Avar centre and the Byzantine periphery: Mediterranean figural motifs in late Avar ornamental art from 8th century AD
past Byzantium during the 9 th and 10 th centuries . Convivium , 3 ( 1 ): 60 – 75 . . Bühler , B. ( 2010 ). Is it Byzantine metalwork or not? Evidence for Byzantine craftmanship outside the Byzantine
ivory findings, it was probably produced in the territory of Italy, the Byzantine Empire, or the western Merovingian world, while its appearance in the Tisza Region marks trade or personal connections with distant lands. A heavily worn double-row antler
Crusade: The Greek Rump States and the Recovery of Byzantium. In: The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire. Ed. J. Shephard. New York (2008) 731–735. Konstantinápoly bukásáról és az azt megelőző belviszályokról bővebben Ostrogorsky: i. m. (1. j.) 331
. Bühler , B. ( 2010 ). Is it Byzantine metalwork or not? Evidence for Byzantine craftmanship outside the Byzantine Empire (6th to 9th centuries AD) . In: Daim , F
world’ of Antiquity. After the destruction of the Barbarian invasions, the remaining civilised world in the East and the West were shaped by ancient Roman culture. The political and legal systems of the Byzantine Empire, the realm of