Search Results
Selected characteristics of the authors in the sample: number of papers, number of cited papers, number of citations, average number of citations (per cited paper), Hirsch index, Pareto index, and Shleifer number
improving the Hirsch index when taking into account highly-cited papers (Egghe 2010a , 2010b ; Randić 2009 ). Among other weaknesses of index h one may mention the facts that it does not discriminate between single authorship and co
for Information Science and Technology 59 6 956 – 969 10.1002/asi.v59:6 10.1002/asi.20802 . Banks , MG 2006 An extension of the Hirsch index: Indexing scientific topics and
interested in developing cooperation between researchers from central and eastern European countries. He has published 25 scientific papers and presented numerous studies at conferences. His articless were cited until now for 85 times; he has a Hirsch index
, QL 2007 Hirsch index or Hirsch rate? Some thoughts arising from Liang's data . Scientometrics 73 1 19 – 28 10.1007/s11192-006-1774-5 . Cabrerizo , FJ , Alonso , S
indirect impact, i.e. the citations to papers that cite this single publication. The main topic of this paper is the following. Consider a set of papers (e.g. of a researcher, journal or topic) of which we can calculate the classical Hirsch-index
It is well known (Hirsch 2005 ; Anderson et al. 2008 ; Kosmulski 2009 ; Abt 2011 ) that the Hirsch index h of an author increases with his/her publication duration t . Therefore, the h index cannot be used to compare the scientific
. The largest completed ( filled in ) square of points in the upper left hand corner of a Ferrers diagram is called the Durfee square and it corresponds to h PY (extension of the Hirsch-index) (Egghe 2010a
citation analysis to describe the spread of scientific ideas more intuitively. In this exploratory study we examined the spread of research on the Hirsch's index, i.e., h-index (Hirsch 2005 ). The h-index is a new measure to qualify a scholar
decreasing order of citations, g is the largest value, such that the first g articles have at least g 2 citations. As a matter of fact, the h -index and the g -index are special cases of a family of Hirsch index variants (Schreiber 2010 ). Similarly, the