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worshipped in the Roman Empire, and how they show peculiarities of Vulgar Latin. Romans attached great importance to communication with the gods through rites. 1 Since the exact performance of the prescribed forms and ritual acts ( caeremonia ) was paramount

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1 Introduction This article aims to examine the case- and declension confusions of theonyms and common epithets by using the Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age (LLDB). The aim of the linguistic

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fondamentale du latin . VI: L’emploi des cas en latin . Louvain 1996, 329. Sul problema del partitivo e del suo rapporto con il Genitivo nelle lingue indoeuropee si vedano le trattazioni ormai classiche di DELBRÜCK, B.: Vergleichende Syntax der

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“Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age” and of the project entitled “Lendület (‘Momentum’) Research Group for Computational Latin Dialectology” (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of

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incorporated into the Merovingian Kingdom after AD 496. The pre-eminent role and eventful history of the city is evidenced in an impressive number of Latin inscriptions which provide the most copious local corpus of non-standard Latin among the three metropoles

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. 16/1 1991 Jensen, Kristian 2001. Elementary Latin grammars printed in the fifteenth century: Patterns of continuity and of change

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1 A different type of divergent spelling The present analysis delves into a specific form of divergent spelling which is found in Latin non-literary texts (i.e., inscriptions, papyri, and other direct sources), namely the geminatio of a consonant

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). 1 His discussion of barbarisms is most interesting for students of Vulgar Latin; although the subject was traditional in Roman grammar, Consentius’ treatment is original and so rich that it can be considered the most extensive account of Vulgar

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Ennek a dolgozatnak a tárgya a latiumi Satricumban nemrég előkerült agyaghordó-töredékek archaikus latin feliratainak értelmezése. Megcáfoljuk G. Colonna, a felirat első és mindeddig egyetlen kiadójának elméletét, miszerint a legjelentősebb, „A” jelű töredék szövege indulatszóból és accusativus exclamationis okból álló akklamációt tartalmazna. Ehelyett ezt a feliratot tulajdonosmegjelölő szövegként értelmezzük, amely valószínűleg két, pluralis genitivus ban álló, a tulajdonosokat megjelölő és egy, singularis nominativus ban álló, a tulajdont megnevező szóból épül fel.

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1 INTRODUCTION: GERUND AS AN “ABSOLUTIVE” It is well known that Late Latin uses the gerund as a substitute for the present participle, for example in Peregr. 15. 5, redirent mature … dicendo psalmos, where the ablative dicendo stands for

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