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Polyphenol compounds in grapes and wines are of paramount importance: they have a key role in determining wine quality, and also the beneficial health effects of moderate red wine consumption are well-known. The polyphenol concentration of wines is determined mostly by: a) their concentration in the grapes and b) the production technology, particularly the time and type of aging. Our goal was to determine the trans-resveratrol and anthocyanin contents of Hungarian red wines under different manufacturing conditions, by monitoring the 24-month aging process – using barrique and oak barrels – with semi-annual sampling, without considering vintage. We have chosen to determine polyphenol components that could originate from either the grapes, or be produced during the wooden barrel aging. Both the aging time and the wine variety had non-negligible effects on the changes in the concentrations of the studied components, whereas the wooden barrel type had not.

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European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
Cosme Alvarado-Esquivel
Yazmin del Rosario Rico-Almochantaf
Jesús Hernández-Tinoco
Gerardo Quiñones-Canales
Luis Francisco Sánchez-Anguiano
Jorge Torres-González
Björn Schott
Oliver Liesenfeld
, and
Ildiko Rita Dunay

Little is known about the association of Toxoplasma gondii infection and neurological disorders. We performed a case-control study with 344 patients with neurological diseases and 344 neurologically healthy age- and gender-matched subjects. Sera of participants were analyzed for anti-T. gondii IgG and IgM antibodies using commercially available immunoassays. Anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were detected in 25 (7.3%) cases and in 35 (10.2%) controls (odds ratio [OR] = 0.69; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.40–1.18; P = 0.17). Anti-T. gondii IgM antibodies were found in 5 (14.3%) of the 25 IgG seropositive cases and in 13 (37.1%) of the 35 IgG seropositive controls (P = 0.15). Anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were found in 8 (3.8%) of 213 female cases and in 23 (10.8%) of 213 female controls (OR = 0.32; 95% CI: 0.14–0.73; P = 0.005); and in 17 (13.0%) of 131 male cases and in 12 (9.2%) of 131 male controls (P = 0.32). No direct association between IgG seropositivity and specific neurological disorders was detected. We found no support for a role of latent T. gondii infection in the risk for neurological disorders in this setting. With respect to specific neurological disorders, further studies using larger patient cohorts will be required.

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. Geography of Hungary (In Hungarian) . Tankönyvkiadó . Buda-pest . F üleky , G. , 2005 . Soils of the Bronze Age tell in Százhalombatta . In: SAX, Százha

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Periodicity of pheromone titer in female moths, modulated by various factors (age, photoperiod, temperature), has been reported for a number species, however, comparative studies on pheromone strains of those species where pheromone polymorphism is known to occur has so far scarcely been studied.In this study, the rhythm and age dependence of calling behavior as well as of the titer of the respective main sex pheromone components, and timing and frequency of mating within E-and Z-strains of European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae) were compared during scotophase, under laboratory conditions (18/6 hours photoregime, 26 °C).Very similar trends were fund in both strains in the diel fluctuation of both calling behavior and pheromone titer within the scotophase, as well as its age dependence, and also in timing and mating frequency. The titer of the respective main pheromone component gradually increased during the scotophase. Highest titers were found in freshly emerged females, however even 6-day-old females produced roughly half amounts. Freshly emerged females of both strains were ready to mate with males of their own strain, however, the percentage of matings were higher in 1–3-day-old age cohorts. Differences between strains was found in the total amount of the respective main pheromone components in the gland. The average amount of ( Z )11-tetradecenyl acetate extracted from the ovipositor of Z-strain females 10 min. before the end of the scotophase was 2.17 ng / female equivalent, whereas the corresponding value of ( E )11-tetradecenyl acetate for E-strain females was 8.25 ng / female equivalent. Moreover, E-strain females tended to start calling somewhat earlier, and the percentages of calling females was higher during the peak calling period than that of the Z-strain. Significance of these findings in characterizing the strains are discussed.

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Under experimental conditions, the fecundity of Typhlodromus athiasae increased with greater availability of prey (Tetranychus urticae) , but declined after reaching a level of 16 prey per day. The number of prey killed per egg produced and the number of prey killed per day during the reproductive period increased with prey availability. The total number of reproductive days increased initially, but leveled off at higher levels of prey density. As the prey density was increased, there was a shift in sex ratio towards an increased proportion of females. Age of mated females has an influence also on fecundity and sex ratio; old females produced fewer eggs compared with young females under constant condition of abundant prey.

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A Szigetköz és a Mosoni-síkság eltemetett humuszos réteg folttérképének újabb pontosított változatát készítettük el 3 m mélységig terjedő fúrások segítségével. A jellemzőnek ítélt szelvények eltemetett humuszos rétegei mintáiból a radiokarbon kor vizsgálatokat az MTA ATOMKI Környezetanalitikai Laboratóriuma végezte. Több mint 2000 szelvény vizsgálata alapján megállapítottuk, hogy a szelvények kb. 25%-ában található eltemetett humuszos réteg, amelyeknek kevesebb, mint 20%-a van a felszín közelében. Azok a szelvények, amelyekben egynél több eltemetett humuszos réteget találunk a Dunaremetétől Lébényen át Győrzámolyig vezető félkör mentén helyezkednek el, délre eltávolodva a Mosoni-Duna jelenlegi vonalától. Ebben a sávban a talajképződést biztosító nyugalmi szakaszok után periodikusan visszatérő elöntések történtek. A félkör által határolt területen belül ilyen ciklikusság hatása nem volt megfigyelhető. A Duna és a Mosoni-Duna közelében az eltemetett humuszos rétegek kora 1–2 ezer év, távolabb a legrégebbi mért radiokarbon kor 4 ezer év körül volt. Ez közel azonos a Győr-tatai teraszvidéken egy lejtőhordalék talaj mélyen eltemetett humuszos rétegében mért korral. A Szigetközben a több eltemetett humuszos réteget tartalmazó zónában a periodikus nagy hordalékszállítási ciklusok 500–1000 évente ismétlődtek. A terület déli részén, Lébény környékén a viszonylag vékony, de ciklikusan megjelenő hordalékszállítások a korábbi 7–10 ezer éves hansági tőzegre rakódtak le. A vizsgálati adatok segíthetnek a terület földtani és emberi településtörténeti kutatásában is.

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Slob, W., Janse, C. (1988) A quantitative method to evaluate the quality of interrupted animal cultures in aging studies. Mech. Ageing and Dev. 42 , 275-290. A quantitative method to evaluate the quality of interrupted animal

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Canopy gaps modify the environmental conditions available for plant growth in forests. Small canopy gaps are frequent in Nothofagus betuloides forests of Tierra del Fuego. Our objective was to study whether the forest floor vascular and non-vascular plant species composition and diversity are influenced by the occurrence of small-scale disturbances due to changes in the below-canopy solar radiation transmittances and forest floor heterogeneity (cover of litter, bare soil and fallen woody debris classed in three decay stages) in a N. betuloides forest located in south western Tierra del Fuego (53° 59t’S, 69°58′W). The vegetation was sampled in and around 13 canopy gaps (47 m2 on average). Following a light gradient, 65 plots (2 × 2 m) were established. The cover of all plant species was recorded using Londo’s scale. Species richness and total cover were calculated for each of the following taxonomical groups: spermatophyta (monocotyledons, dicotyledons), pteridophyta, bryophyta, marchantiophyta, anthocerotophyta and lichens. There were 63 species found on the forest floor. Marchantiophyta was the most diverse group with the highest species richness (6.6 species per plot). The vegetation on the forest floor was very homogeneous in species composition, richness and species diversity. The ordination analysis (NMS) showed that the community composition was weakly influenced by the patterns of below-canopy solar radiation transmittances and substrate heterogeneity. MRPP analysis of the community composition did not reveal differences in plant species assemblages between positions along transects running from areas beneath closed canopy to the open centres of canopy gaps. The marchantiophyte Chiloscyphus magellanicus was the only species which can be considered to be an indicator species; it was more likely to occur in gap centres (more open conditions). We conclude that these small canopy gaps do not very much modify the forest floor communities and the communities can be considered relatively stable.

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Anna Visy
Karina Ilona Hidas
Annamária Barkó
Lien Le Phuong Nguyen
László Friedrich
, and
Gábor Jónás

formed by microbial decarboxylation and transamination of amino acids to aldehydes or ketones. During ageing or possible degradation, if the reaction conditions are favourable in terms of enzyme activity, the growth of microorganisms leads to the

Open access

. 1997 7 487 492 Grounds, M. D. (2002) Reasons for the degeneration of ageing skeletal muscle: a central role for IGF-1

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