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effectively improved the cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight athletes with metabolic syndrome [ 14 ]. Although regular exercise is essential to delay the ageing of the cardiovascular and skeletal muscle systems and to maintain normal hemorheological

Open access

) have appeared, as well as endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases including diabetes. In the civilian population - presumably due to the higher age of the soldiers - chronic non-communicable diseases come to the fore, prominently circulatory

Open access
Hungarian Medical Journal
Janos Feher
Balint Kovacs
Illes Kovacs
Monika Schvöller
, and
Corrado Balacco Gabrieli

Zarbin, M. A.: Current concepts in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration. Arch. Ophthalmol., 2004, 122 , 598–614. Zarbin M. A

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Az idősödés során jellemző genetikai és epigenetikai változások és a gammopátiák progressziója •

A myeloma multiplex az öregedés egyik arca lehet?

Age-related genetic and epigenetic changes and the progression of gammopathies?

S. Veronika Urbán
László Lajos Kocsis
, and
Gábor Mikala

, a quintessential malignant disease of aging: a geroscience perspective on pathogenesis and treatment . Geroscience 2022 : 1–20 . Epub 2022/12/13 . . PubMed PMID: 36508077; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC

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A DNS epigenetikai változásai és vizsgálati módszerei

Epigenetic changes of DNA and their research methods

Orvosi Hetilap
Zsuzsanna Németh
István Takács
, and
Béla Molnár

ageing. Nat Rev Genet. 2018; 19: 371–384. 43 Cui J, Shen Y, Li R. Estrogen synthesis and signaling pathways during aging: from periphery to brain

Open access

]. Biological ageing is associated with a progressive decrease in cardiac myositis as a result of age-related cardiac diseases [ 27 ]. There is evidence that indicates cardiomyocytes are able to regenerate in the human heart, but this process seems to be very

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al.: ABCC9/SUR2 in the brain: Implications for hippocampal sclerosis of aging and a potential therapeutic target. Ageing Res. Rev., 2015, 24 (Pt B), 111–125. 21

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Vyas, K., Eklem, M., Seto, H. és mtsai: Quantitative scintigraphy of sacroiliac joints: Effect of age, gender and laterality. AJR, 1981, 136 , 589–592. Seto H. Quantitative

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The global population is ageing. Elderly people suffer from more severe infections than younger persons. The major reason for the increased susceptibility to infections in the elderly is the deregulated functions of the immune system. Immunosenescence affects both innate and adaptive immune reactions. Among these, quantitative alterations of B lymphocyte subsets determine outcome of infections and vaccination. The overall number of B cells seems to be stable or the decrease is moderate. Reduced input of naive B lymphocytes is compensated by anergic, exhausted memory cells. Concerning B lymphocyte subsets, experimental data obtained in the mouse model and in vivo studies conducted in old-age humans are frequently controversial. Further analysis of human B lymphocyte subpopulations is required that could be regarded as an important biomarker of human life span.

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Orvosi Hetilap
János Fehér
Bálint Kovács
Illés Kovács
Mónika Schvöller
, and
Gabrieli Corrado Balacco

Zarbin, M. A.: Current concepts in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol., 2004, 122 , 598–614. Zarbin M. A

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