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agricultural revival by utilizing local, seasonal ingredients and drawing on traditional peasant knowledge. This trend was consolidated by the Hungarian National Gastronomic Association, which was founded in 2004. Published in 2007, the Culinary Charter 12

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) 405 - 1.108 - 1) No details of flights routes available. 2) Of this amount, 7 flights with 32 passengers should be added to the temporary Budapest-Siófok route. 3) Of this amount, 57 flights with 20 passengers flew only to Arad. 4) Domestic charter

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“The Sisters of the Redeemer in the Trauma of Dispersion”. •

The Sisters of the Divine Redeemer in the 1950s and 1960s in the Light of Recollections and State Security Reports

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
Katalin Paréj-Farkas

(ed.) Közösség és identitás , 9 – 31 . Budapest : L’Harmattan . Archival sources IMNNL – Isteni Megváltóról Nevezett Nővérek Levéltára [Archives of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer] . IMNNL box 1, item 1 Bishop Simor’s foundation charter

Open access

: Charters of Foundation and Early Documents of the Universities of the Coimbra Group. Groningen 1994, 3. 353. I Celti – Storia d'Europa. Preistoria e Antichità, vol. 2. Torino 1994, 755–803. 354. Megnyitó beszéd. Egyetemi Anyanyelvi Napok. Egyetemi Fonetika

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.: M. Jobst . Berlin–Heidelberg 2010 , 273 – 283 . 10.1007/978-3-642-12733-5_14 Vajda 2015 = T. Vajda : Okleveles adatok Arpad-kori vizimalmainkrol (Charter data on Arpadian-period mills) . In: Medievisztikai tanulmanyok. A IV

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Almád monostorának régészeti kutatása 2014–2022 között

Archaeological research in the monastery of Almád, 2014–2022

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Gergely Buzás

consecration in 1121. This document, which survives in a transcription from 1420, states that Atyusz’ stepmother, Gyönyörű, also made a donation to the monastery before she left on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The charter therefore dates the construction of the

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The gallows in Holíč (Skalica district, Slovakia) archaeological research and virtual reconstruction

Šibenica v Holíči (okres Skalica, Slovensko). Archeologický výskum a pokus o virtuálnu rekonštrukciu

Akasztófa Holicsban (Skalicai járás, Szlovákia). Régészeti kutatás és kísérlet a virtuális rekonstrukcióra

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Daniel Bešina
Stanislava Bönde Gogová
, and
Pavol Šteiner

mentioned in the charter originally related to the town of Skalica. 13 The settlement was established on the so-called Bohemian Route, which was a ancient trade route leading from Prague via Brno and after crossing the border over the Morava River it

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This article proposes a quantitative study of the Latin demonstratives as found in the private and original charters of written in Italy between the 8th and 10th century. It also contains a brief qualitative study of the demonstrative IPSE. Our analysis shows that the evolution of the demonstratives in the charters corresponds to their evolution in the spoken language. These analyses also appear to foreshadow the 11th and 12th century Renaissance which occurred in southern Italy and which is perhaps comparable to the Carolingian Renaissance in Gaul. The qualitative analysis of IPSE demonstrates that the grammaticalization of this demonstrative had not acquired the critical point after which it could be treated as a definite article. Aebischer’s hypothesis that IPSE and ILLE functioned as two variants acting in synonymy should therefore be rejected

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Adalékok Újlak egyházi kincseinek és privilégiumának sorsához (1528)

Contributions to our knowledge of the transfer of the church treasures and borough charter of Újlak (1528)

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Borbála Gulyás

The significant medieval town Újlak (today: Ilok, Croatia) located in the southern part of the Kingdom of Hungary was successfully besieged by the Ottomans in 1526. However, its several church treasures (paraments, liturgical objects) together with the richly decorated borough charter of the town (1525–26, today in Vienna) were transferred to Nagyszombat (Trnava, Slovakia) and later to Vienna. The paper examines the transfer of the various objects based on inventories and letters of 1528.

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The Hungarian War of Independence was widely reported in the American press. Kossuth hoped to bring about a fundamental change in U.S. foreign policy: to convince the country that the time came for taking an active role in international affairs. Sixty-six years later, the U.S. came to act exactly along the lines advocated by Kossuth. Ninety years later the Atlantic Charter came to embody the very principles first expressed by the Hungarian leader.

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