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exercise should be examined by using an interactional dynamic approach, but probably not within the proposed framework anchored in the addiction model. The large influence of this model on current research (illustrated by the number of citations related to

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Margo Hilbrecht
David Baxter
Max Abbott
Per Binde
Luke Clark
David C. Hodgins
Darrel Manitowabi
Lena Quilty
Jessika SpÅngberg
Rachel Volberg
Douglas Walker
, and
Robert J. Williams

and a consistent, common voice. As part of the accessibility update, the citation style was changed from APA 6th edition to a less obtrusive style, with links to plain language summaries for cited articles, when available. Framework structure The

Open access

A summary of the search and selection process is visualized in Fig. 1 . A total of 80 citations were identified on PubMed, while 187 citations were registered searching the databases PubPsych, PSYNDEX, and MEDLINE. The update of the database search

Open access

). And it was from Murray that Harner sourced his example ( Harner, 1973 ). In a somewhat humorous turn of events, Murray had even followed up her citation of The Chronicles of Ireland with a sober note of caution: “Holinshed is not always a reliable

Open access

contains over 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Furthermore, the majority of consequential articles are filed in PubMed. In total, 150 articles in PubMed were identified in the period from

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Adrian Paterna
Manuel Alcaraz-Ibáñez
Jose M. Aguilar-Parra
Carlos Salavera
Zsolt Demetrovics
, and
Mark D. Griffiths

coding categories were considered: (a) citation and year of publication, (b) sample size, (c) sex, (d) age, (e) region (geographic location), (f) PSU measure, (g) PSU assessment (i.e., continuous or categorical), (h) academic achievement indicator, (i

Open access

. Second, our measure of loneliness was limited to FOL, but loneliness also includes social loneliness. However, a recent study (citation) showed that one item may also be an effective measure of loneliness ( Lacey & Minnis, 2020 ). Third, our result was

Open access

. ( 2001 ). Schizophrenia and pathological gambling . American Journal of Psychiatry , 158 ( 3 ), 503 – 504 . Retrieved from

Open access

the research into both the epidemiology and the etiology of GD. A rapid scoping review conducted in 2020 that assessed 5,550 potentially relevant citations about GD found 160 studies of various designs that used 35 different methods to diagnose IGD

Open access

Felügyelt gépi tanulási módszerek alkalmazása a pszichológiai kutatásokban

Using supervised machine learning methods in psychological research

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Nándor Hajdú
Barnabás Szászi
Balázs Aczél
, and
Tamás Nagy

and adaptive networks . Royal Signals and Radar Establishment Malvern (United Kingdom) , 25 ( 3 ), 1 – 8 . . Bruce , P. , Bruce , A. , & Gedeck , P. ( 2020 ). Practical Statistics for Data

Open access