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1 In Hungarian cultural memory, Ferenc Rákóczi II is known primarily as the leader of the anti-Habsburg War that broke out in 1703. His literary activities became known only to a narrower circle, and for a long time their reception in literary
cultural memory after his emigration (November 1944) during the decades until the change of political regimes in the late 1990s. Although there were attempts at his rehabilitation (such as the biography by Bálint Vázsonyi published in 1971 1 or a centenary
centralized management of folk art trade. Acknowledgments The study has been published with the support of ELKH research project SA-35/2021 Heritagization, Cultural Memory, Identity, and NRDI project K_22 142797 (K_22 143295) Heritage Constructions in
Ethnicity and Representation
Material Folk Art at the Intersection of Local Identity, Minority Policy Goals, and Ethnographers' Aspirations in the 1970s and 1980s in Hungary
research project SA-35/2021 Heritagization, Cultural Memory, Identity , while the publication of the study was also supported by NRDI grant K_22 142797 (K_22 143295) Heritage Construction in Contemporary Community Settings — Identity, Memory
integral part of the settlement. It is this great work that I wish to contribute to with my research on industrial heritage. Acknowledgments The research was funded by projects ELKH SA-35/2021 Heritagization, Cultural Memory, Identity, and NRDI K_22
Monuments serve to compress events and inform us about the way a culture deals with its past, as reflected in the Genocide Monument in Armenia’s capital, which was built in memory of the 1.5 million Armenians murdered in 1915. The associated museum displays documents from countries that have thus far acknowledged the Genocide. Each of these documents presents an inherent problem internationally, however, which is intensified by the very absence of some, namely those of Turkey and the USA.The present decision-making process around a European Union-wide law, concerning genocide denial, embraces the dimension of political memory. The current discourse on Genocide recognition must therefore be identified as bipartisan.In the first part, I will contrast the Brussels’ legal petition, attempting indirectly to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, with the EU-centred policy of cultural memory.The motives underlying the Armenian submission can be explored in another way on behalf of Armenian culture. These motives become more apparent in my discussion of the background to a memorial tablet on the Sardarapat monument, which was built in memory of the Armenian battle against Ottoman invaders in 1918.
Propertius Kr. e. 16-ban keletkezett actiumi elégiája (IV 6) — az Aeneis pajzsleírásának egy utalását leszámítva — az első szöveg, amely a Kr. e. 28-ban fölszentelt palatiumi épületegyüttest az actiumi csata eseményéhez köti. A tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy a Propertius-költemény hogyan kapcsolódik a templom és könyvtár épületéhez, az elégia hogyan építi föl a kulturális-politikai emlékezet terét. Először a verset meghatározó gyűrűs szerkezet pontos föltárására tesz kísérletet, majd a propertiusi Augustus-kép néhány vonását tárja föl, végül pedig azt kutatja, hogy Propertius, illetve Horatius szövegeiben hogyan jelenik meg a kor kánonteremtő igénye, az irodalmi nyilvánosság kérdése, a Bibliotheca Apollinis Palatini kulturális üzenete.
The paper deals with some food names in Russian (апельсин, ананас) within the framework of linguoculturological approach. The aim of this study is to analyze the main tendencies prevailing in the semantic adaptation of these loanwords that entered the Russian language in the 18th century. The first part is devoted to the conditions of appearance of these words in Russian culture and their semantic characteristics. The second part contains the description of semantic shifts that occur during the formation of cultural connotations of orange and pineapple. The author also demonstrates the manner in which semantic shifts can be used to describe a huge amount of cultural knowledge or cultural information. Proceeding from the notion of “cultural memory”, I set out to show that the phraseological meaning is a complex structure including semantic information and its conceptual basis. In my study, I would like to demonstrate what processes go on during its actualization in idiomaticity. The analysis is conducted on the basis of data found in the Russian National Corpus.
Summary Visual images do have a constitutive role in the formation of culture and as a consequence in rendering cultural stereotypes. Since the communication by ways of pictures became prevalent and overwhelming with the easy distribution of pictures by “mechanical reproduction' (W. Benjamin), it is important to be aware of the nature of images and their relationship to verbal signs. I do share W. J. T. Mitchell's idea that “speech-acts are not medium specific', thus pictures just like words do possess semiotic power; that is they do take part in meaning-making (Bal), as well as in the production and the maintenance of culture, cultural identity and cultural memory. The importance of this recognition lies in the fact that Man is not only the producer, but also the product of culture; since this production is not exclusively linguistically based. Therefore, this paper aims at the examination of the relation of visual images and a text in the transmission of Hungarian stereotypes. I intend to carry out this in a medium that traditionally belongs to the category of “popular culture', yet its status was highly controversial in the time of its production in Hungary. This visual medium is that of the panorama, and the object of my query is Árpád Feszty's famous panorama, entitled “The arrival of the Magyars'. The painting carries its importance in many respects: it is not only an ideal and idealised “representation' of the settling of Hungarian tribes, but more importantly the veiled illustration of Mór Jókai's drama entitled Levente. My paper thus raises questions of the relation of the visual and verbal, of popular and high culture, and of the influence of national identity through verbal and visual imagery.
strategies as well as their impact on landscape use, the communicative and cultural memory of communities, biographical narratives, narrative behavior, and traditions in the broad sense. These questions have only been examined sporadically in ethnographic