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). The determinants of lifelong learning incidence across European countries (evidence from EU-SILC dataset) . Acta Oeconomica , 63 ( 1 ), 77 – 97 . Davis , G.A. ( 1986
:// [Letöltve: 2019. 08. 21.] 2 Blanden, J., Buscha, F., Sturgis, P. & Urwin, P. (2010) Measuring the Returns to Lifelong
resistance, which have become standard responses to economically focused and instrumental forms of adult education. The author opens the conversation in the book by two questions that frustrated adult educators. 1. Why and when has lifelong learning
A gondozás hatása a családi gondozók érzelmi jóllétére és egészségére.
Állapotfelmérés a COPE Index alapján
The impact of caregiving on the emotional well-being and health of family caregivers.
A condition assessment based on the COPE Index
older people. In: Fodorné TK. (ed.) Social and economic benefits of university lifelong learning: research – development – innovation. [Az e-learning képzés szerepe a formális és informális
A valproátterápia túlélésre gyakorolt hatása gliomás betegekben
Alternatív terápiás lehetőség a radiokemoterápia eredményességének javítására
Supplementary valproate therapy for glioma patients
An alternative opportunity to enhance the efficiency of radio-chemotherapy
, Reardon DA. High-grade gliomas. Continuum lifelong learning. Neurooncology 2017; 23: 1548–1563. 19 Schiff D. Low-grade gliomas. Continuum lifelong learning
. This is surprising for two reasons. First, lifelong learning in developed economies is currently being given an unprecedented amount of consideration ( Billett, 2018 ); second, second-language (L2) autonomy research seems to have neglected its origins
an implicit responsibility for professionals but also identified as different pursuits of effective and efficient practices that support lifelong learning ( Jarvis, 2004 ; Webster-Wright, 2009 ). An increasing body of empirical research
Pozitív pszichológia a tehetséggondozásban
Positive psychology in talent development
its implications for measurement . In E. V ILLALBA (Ed.), Can creativity be measured? (407–414). International Conference volume. Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning .
from the Roma minority – to participate in education and lifelong learning. Mentoring in education Mentoring programmes are considered successful measures in helping disadvantaged pupils and students to achieve better results in education. Mentors can
of lifelong learning. The “Seamless learning” concept integrates formal and informal education, the physical and cyber worlds, academic and non-academic experiences. The presentation of gamified digital knowledge (HANNA) as a motivating tool