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. Bilász , Boglárka ( 2017 ). Nyelv és ideológia. Iskolai metanyelvi diskurzus szlovákiai magyar középiskolákban [Language and ideology: metalinguistic discourse in Slovakian Hungarian high
Moore-paradoxonos mondatok és a logikai inkonzisztencia kapcsolata kétnyelvű gyermekeknél
The development of understanding moore-paradox sentences and logical inconsistencies
of metalinguistic awareness: A study of bilingual children’s perception of focus on form . Linguistics and Education , 13 ( 3 ), 373 − 404 . Goetz , P. J . ( 2003 ). The effects of bilingualism on theory of mind development
metalinguistic, which can be demonstrated by another constructed example. In Hungarian, jegesmedve ‘polar bear’ is a compound consisting of the adjective jeges ‘icy, iced’ (derived from the noun jég ‘ice’) and the noun medve ‘bear’ (although the bear
the question of whether the claims made here apply to ‘predicates of personal taste’ or just to one of them. Second, this survey required native speakers to provide answers in a way that inevitably raises metalinguistic awareness, which is not the